The Question

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Book: The Question by Zena Wynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Zena Wynn
Tags: Romance, sensual romance, phaze books, zena wynn
They’re his children. I’m just the incubator,” she said with a laugh.
    “Is that how you see yourself?”
    “It’s the only way I can afford to view myself. I have life growing in my womb, but I can’t allow myself to become emotionally attached or think of them as my own.”
    “That’s very wise of you. You’re a strong woman. Not many women could do what you’re doing, especially considering what you’ve been through.”
    Gail sighed. “It’s not strength. It’s an inability to say no to a close friend. I just hope this whole thing doesn’t come crashing down on our heads,” she said grimly.
    “It’s a delicate situation, that’s for sure. Most surrogates aren’t this closely involved with the adoptive parents, and they usually have families of their own to keep them from getting too attached. You have none of that. What happens if you decide not to give the child up?”
    “Twins. I’m carrying twins,” she reminded him, “and I don’t see that happening. Legally, Rashid is already the father of these children. The only portion remaining is for Crystal to complete the stepparent adoption once the babies are born. She’s going to make a wonderful mother, and she’s waited a long time to have one of her own,” Gail said firmly. Keeping these babies was not something she was emotionally equipped to do. It didn’t even bear thinking about.
    “I know it’s too late now, but put my mind at ease and assure me you at least had good legal representation,” he said, his legal side peeking out.
    “I’m a paralegal, remember? I know how not to get screwed by contracts. The terms were very generously in my favor. Too generous, according to Florida law. I tried to get Rashid to dispense with the compensation but he wouldn’t budge,” Gail finished with a huff of remembered frustration.
    They arrived at their destination, one of the expensive restaurants located near the Riverwalk downtown. Greg turned off the car then turned to Gail before getting out. “I know it’s not my business and I’m not your man – not yet anyhow – but I would really like to take a look at the paperwork you signed, for my satisfaction. I know they’re your friends but I’d like to see for myself that you haven’t been taken advantage of.”
    “You may not be my man but you are my friend, and because of that, I’ll let you review them. Just remember, I may only be a paralegal but I have a law degree hanging on my living room wall at home,” she reminded him with a laugh.
    Greg got out and came around to escort her from the car. Once they were seated at the table and had placed their drink order, he resumed the conversation. “That’s one thing I don’t understand. You have the degree. Hell, you passed the Bar. You could be practicing law. Why are you wasting your training working as a paralegal?”
    Gail leaned back in her chair and allowed her gaze to drift around the restaurant while she composed her answer. “I love the law. I always have. I love studying it, researching it, and surrounding myself with it. What I didn’t like was being a lawyer. I don’t have the heart for it, I guess. Let someone else play in the courtroom. That’s not for me.”
    “You don’t have to be a trial lawyer. There are plenty of areas where you could practice that don’t include court. Why don’t you try one of those?”
    “I considered corporate or family law. One was too time consuming and the other too heartbreaking. With the way folks are today, everything has the potential to end up before a judge, even probate. Being a paralegal allows me to work in the field that I love without having to put in all the crazy hours you guys work. I come in, do what needs doing, and go home. My work stays at the office, and I’m a lot less stressed at the end of the day.”
    The waiter came back to the take their orders. Gail allowed Greg to order for both of them.  When the waiter left, Greg picked up where they left off.  “I

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