The Unexpected Choice

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Book: The Unexpected Choice by Stephanie Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Taylor
Tags: 2nd edition
Joey wasn’t sure what God had in store for him or if the devil was wielding his power over his life, but either way, he was enjoying being her husband so far.
    â€œYou’re thinking you don’t do pink. You have no idea how to do girlie stuff, right?”
    A smile slipped passed her obvious worry. “Exactly.”
    Joey chuckled and pulled her close, placing a kiss in her hair. “Let me tell you, Stacey McCrary. You’re going to be the best mom to our little girl, and she’s going to love you no matter what. Even if she finds out your favorite color is green and not pink.”
    â€œHow did you remember?” she asked, looking into his eyes.
    â€œI still remember the day you put a gross frog on my leg!”
    â€œAnd you screamed like a girl.” Her giggling made him smile.
    â€œMore like a boy who had to face his fears without any prep time . ”
    Stacey laughed. “Big ole baby,” she chided.
    â€œI used to get so angry that you weren’t scared of anything.”
    â€œI was scared of a lot. I still am.”
    â€œI’m scared of you, Stace. You’ve always scared me.” He sobered, thinking of the lightness in his heart and the way he looked forward to getting home and settling into a routine with her. Waking up next to her every morning. Six months ago, settling down was the last thing on his to-do list.
    â€œNo reason for me to scare you. I’m just a girl you grew up with.”
    â€œWho’s now my wife and knows how terrified I am of frogs.”
    â€œBe nice to me, and you have nothing to worry about.” She grinned, and he felt a tug of tenderness he hadn’t experienced since Cameron. He shoved it quickly away and cleared his throat.
    â€œI’ll be nice all right,” he drawled, eyeing her with playfulness. “My mama always taught me if I couldn’t be nice, I wouldn’t get rewarded.”
    Stacey’s eyebrows rose.
    â€œAll I know is I must have been nice somewhere along the way. I sure got rewarded this time.”
    Shoving her glasses up on her nose, she sniffed and looked sadly off into the distance, clearly lost in thought. He’d never understand her.
    â€œWhat did I say wrong?”
    â€œI thought we said no more flattery, no more sugar coating. I’m not a reward. I made a decision to help you.” She shrugged and looked away again. “Just because we’ve had sex now doesn’t mean you have to say flowery things. I’m well aware of who and what I am to you.”
    Reluctant to get that conversation started again, he squeezed her hand at the end of a sigh. He didn’t want to dwell on the fact she had called what they did last night sex . They may not love each other, but it was a far cry from just sex. “Have you ever thought about baby names?”
    â€œI told you it’s not my call. You name her what you want to name her.”
    He growled this time, taking her by the shoulders and turning her to look directly into her surprised eyes. “What’s it gonna take? You’ve already married me, Stace. She’s yours, too. We’re going to be raising her. I want your input.”
    Stacey closed her eyes and pressed her lips together. Then she said, “I’ve always loved the name Rachel.”
    Joey mulled it over in his mind, but before he could speak, she stood. “But again, it’s not my call. She’s your kid.”
    Joey grinned at her self-consciousness and grabbed her wrist as she paced past him. He hauled her in his lap and brushed her runaway hair behind her ear. “I think Rachel is a beautiful name. I like it.”
    Disbelief clouded her eyes. “Really?”
    â€œRachel from the Bible. Jacob loved her and worked so hard for her.”
    â€œJust like you are ,” Stacey said with a smile.
    â€œAre you ready to be a mother?”
    â€œIt’s all I’ve thought about since we’ve agreed to do

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