Black Knight 02 - Back in Black

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Book: Black Knight 02 - Back in Black by John G Hartness Read Free Book Online
Authors: John G Hartness
    "He speaks whenever he pleases, sometimes much to my chagrin. And regardless, his tongue would just grow back if I removed it." Sabrina said, nodding politely to the serving girl who had just brought out a tray of drinks and fruit. She took a small glass with a pale orange liquid in it, but didn't drink immediately. The queen took a small plate of fruit and a pale lavender drink for herself, then waved over another serving girl, who knelt at Greg's feet, looking up at him with a small smile.  
    "Do you thirst, vampire? You may drink of Tirina if you wish. But please, leave enough for your friend to share, and do not drain her or I will be very cross." Greg looked at Milandra like she was absolutely insane, and started to shake his head.  
    "Drink, you idiot," I whispered to him. "You don't know when you'll have the chance to feed again, and I doubt there's a blood bank anywhere near here."  
    "But dude," Greg whispered back plaintively. "I don't do that anymore. I haven't drank from a person in almost ten years! I can't do it now, in front of people." He got really quiet on the last part, like he was talking about losing his virginity.  
    "You have to, bro. You've gotta keep your strength up, and I know you didn't eat anything before we left the house. Plus, I don't want to piss her off by not accepting." I really didn't want to start some kind of inter-dimensional diplomatic incident by not drinking the girl. Besides, I wanted a snack and had never had fairy for lunch before.  
    "Your friend is right, vampire. You must drink. I can sense your hunger." Milandra said from her chair, which somehow looked like a throne while still being a comfy armchair. Greg stared at the girl's proffered neck for another moment, then took a deep breath and leaned in. I could smell the blood when he broke the skin, and the smell just about drove me nuts. Imagine your mom's fried chicken, with homemade biscuits, gravy and fresh cherry pie for dessert. Well, this fairy's blood smelled like all of that and more, and I could hardly wait for Greg to top off the tank and pass the entree over.  
    After a long moment, he finished drinking and just sat there, leaning over the girl with his forehead on her shoulder. I thought I saw a pale pink tear run down his face into the girl's hair, but Greg quickly stood up and waved her over to me. I knew it took a lot for him to fall off the wagon like that, and I really hoped I wasn't in for a long talk about feelings and other crap when we got home. Not being possessed of Greg's moral fortitude, I took a knee instantly and sank my fangs deep into the girl's carotid. The hot blood flooded my mouth, and I saw stars for a second before I got myself under control. Apparently fairy blood is a lot more nourishing than human blood, because I'd drank barely a pint before I felt completely revitalized and stronger than I had since my binge in Bobby's morgue the other night.  
    I stood up, giving the girl a kiss on the forehead that left bloody lip prints just below her hairline, and looked around with new eyes at the great hall. Everything had an extra little sparkle, like the first time a nearsighted kid gets new glasses. I could smell the faintest hint of lavender in the air, and I thought I could taste a hint of it, too. I locked eyes with the Fairy Queen, and she smiled a knowing smile at me. "Did you enjoy your meal, vampire?" She asked with a tilt of her head.  
    "She was delicious, Your Majesty." I sketched a brief bow, and the girl returned to her serving duties.  
    "Excellent. Now the rest of us may dine while we discuss what business has brought this invasion to my lands." She clapped her hands, and an army of serving girls, all looking eerily identical to the fairy Greg and I had just fed from, came in carrying sections of wood that assembled almost without thought into a huge banquet table. Once the table was in place, Milandra clapped her hands once more,

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