My Teacher is a Zombie (Supernatural Learning Book 1)

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Book: My Teacher is a Zombie (Supernatural Learning Book 1) by J.R. Murdock Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.R. Murdock
believes the two of you actually do homework, I'd be amazed. I've seen the grades you two get. Now if you would kindly excuse me so I can get to class, it takes me long enough as it is." William rolled his wheelchair forward, and if Stanley didn't know any better he'd swear that his foot got ran over on purpose.
    "That looked like it hurt," Bert said.
    Stanley scrunched his toes inside his shoe. It had hurt, but he wasn't going to show it. "Come on, let's get to class.
    "So what do you think? Can you come over for dinner?"
    "It's a school night. My parents like to have me home during the week. I don't know why. It's not like we're going to eat together or anything. Let me ask them if I can stay at your house on Friday. There's a football game over at the high school We can go over there, maybe."
    Bert looked deflated. "Okay. I guess we'll do that. But that's still two days away. It's not like you've got volleyball practice or anything."
    "How do you know I don't have practice?" Stanley stopped and waited for Bert to answer.
    "I went online and looked it up."
    "Isn't that a little creepy? Are you going to start following me home or something?"
    "Oh shut up. Like you haven't done weird stuff like that to me before." Bert pushed Stanley and they headed off laughing to their next class.


    Chapter 2
    "My mom said she'd make pozole Friday night so we can eat before we head to the game. I told her you were coming and she said she'd be sure to make an extra large pot full."
    "Look, it was only that one time I ate seven tacos at your house and I was really hungry. I hadn't eaten all day." Stanley patted his belly.
    "How many times have you eaten at my house? My mom has seen you eat. You didn't get that by not." Bert poked Stanley's stomach.
    "So I like to eat. I can't help it."
    "Any idea who else can go with us on Friday?"
    "I don't know. Who were you thinking?"
    "Well, it's at the high school. I mean, we've never been there before and we should probably go with a couple other guys. The last thing we need is for some older kids to be messing with us, you know. I mean, Rex Ruffington is going to be there."
    "Are you scared of him?" Stanley puffed up his chest.
    "Well, you're bigger than I am. In more ways than one. You know. Hey, did you even ask your mom if you can stay over?"
    "Oh shoot! I knew I forgot something last night. I was so busy trying to study the order of the presidents I totally forgot. Hold on, I'll just text her. I'm sure it's no big deal."
    Stanley got out his phone and sent a text message off to his mother. She'd be working and he didn't expect to get an answer right away. He put the phone back in his pocket.
    "Well, at least if she says I didn't ask her, I can just show her the text."
    Bert dumped his lunch trash. "Yeah, but doesn't she get upset with you if you use your phone in school? I had mine taken away once and now my mom makes me keep it off during school."
    "Nah, she doesn't care, but I've never had it taken away either. You need to be careful and just make sure the teachers don't catch you with them, is all."
    Stanley dumped his trash as well and they made their way to American History. Fortunately they'd made it to their seats before the bell rang. Even though they hadn't gotten in trouble the day before, Mrs. Applebaum wasn't one to take lightly tardiness two days in a row. Even if they had managed to sneak into the room, Polly would alert the teacher. She'd done it to them more than once. She could be annoying like that.
    Mrs. Applebaum sat at her desk. She looked around the room, but her hugely magnified eyes didn't seem to focus on any one person. It wasn't until the murmur of confused classmates brought her attention back to reality that she addressed the class.
    "Alright, quiet down. Quiet down. Polly, could you pass back the test from last week? I'm very disappointed with the grades this time around, as I'm sure you will be. Well, except for Bill, Polly, and a couple others, the grades were

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