Collide & Burn

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Book: Collide & Burn by Claudy Conn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claudy Conn
Tags: Fiction / Romance - Contemporary
Because I was determined to be grateful for all his help, we began conversing lightly and brightly.
    We drank wine, we played with appetizers and drank more wine, lingered over our meal, had after-dinner drinks that went immediately to my head and set me to giggling, and then we shared a dessert that truly was death by chocolate, accompanied by more drinks.
    I was high. I am a one-drink-a-night girl, maybe two, so I was now flying in a starry sky, and it was still afternoon.
    He said, “You hold your drinks well.”
    I hiccupped.
    He laughed and said, “Okay, baby, cutting you off.”
    I grinned and hoped I would be able to stand and walk a straight line.
    He motioned for the check, signed for it, and left a couple of hundred for the staff on the table. He took my arm and held me against himself, kissed my lips lightly, and said, “I got you, baby.”
    Somehow, and without my tripping, we got into the limo.
    Wade directed the driver, Nugent, to his condo, which turned out to be a huge loft decorated in the contemporary style. All clean lines and black and white with touches of yellow. I didn’t like the total look and wrinkled my nose.
    He laughed right out loud. “I never have to second-guess you, sweetheart. Everything you think shows on your beautiful face. This, I know, is not your style.”
    I hiccupped.
    He kissed my cheek, my forehead, my chin, and then my mouth.
    A moment after that, he had my jacket off and pulled my white angora sweater over my head. I hadn’t bothered to wear a bra, and he made a guttural and sexy sound as he filled his hands with my breasts.
    “Do you know what I am going to do to you now?” His voice was low and husky.
    “Uh-huh.” I nodded.
    “Tell me,” he demanded. “Tell me what I’m going to do to you now.”
    “You are going to fuck me,” I answered and giggled.
    He smiled sweetly and sighed. “No, baby, no. I don’t know what you have done to me, because now I am going to make love to you. I am going to cherish and then devour every inch of you, and when you start begging for it, oh yeah, baby, then I’m going to fuck you!”
    * * *
    His kisses made a burning path over my breasts and down to my belly. He nipped at my flesh with his teeth, he licked and kissed and then whispered, “Your body is so perfect. You were made for me, Charlie … just for me.”
    I groaned and arched, wanting more, right then, wanting him to drive himself into me, but he wasn’t done making sweet love to me. As he traced a path of sweet kisses, he murmured words of praise, and I swear I heard him say, “Charlie, you have changed my life.”
    Had he said that? Was I too bombed? Had I heard him correctly?
    He traced his dick over my belly, and I felt it drip and told him. He grinned and put my fingers around his erection as he lifted me up and into position. His voice was hungry as he said, “Want to taste, baby?”
    I did. I wanted to taste him.
    I nodded my head vigorously, and the next thing I knew we were in that famous 69 position. That, too, like so many things he had introduced to me, was a first for me.
    His lips, teeth, and tongue worked at my wet cleft, and I had his huge cock in my mouth.
    We made love to each other. This was so much more than sex. This was cherishing one another, wanting to please the other more than wanting to please yourself. This was … oh no, I couldn’t allow myself to believe that he might love me.
    It was not as easy as it sounded to maintain that position for any length of time, and after a few awkward moments of trying and not completely succeeding to manage his erection while staying in place for him as well, I put my head back and started to giggle.
    His laughter joined mine, and he scooped me up and into his arms as we both dissolved into rollicking mirth.
    He began kissing my face, my nose, my lips, and then suddenly passion took us up and away. He worked my body until I called out, “Oh … oh … Wade … yes.” My body rocked with the

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