A Suitable Bride

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Authors: Fenella J Miller
gentlemen only?’
    His smile made her forget the pain. ‘You’re forgetting, Miss DuPont, that all the entertainment and events are at my instigation. Therefore it’s up to me who participates or not. We’re having several events on the water – do you have any interest in entering those as well?’
    ‘I shall join in everything I’m allowed to, my lord, as there’s nothing I like better than being outside. I’m an excellent swimmer, can row a boat but have never sailed a dinghy. Neither have I travelled in a punt – but I doubt it can be particularly difficult so am prepared to have a go at that as well.’
    The excruciating agony stopped. ‘There, all done, miss, and I reckon I’ve done a better job than the quack. These sutures won’t come adrift. I’ve cleaned up the wound but it will be better left uncovered.’
    ‘Whatever you think is best, Mr Abbott. Thank you for coming to my rescue.’
    ‘I’m afraid I’ve had to cut away a deal of hair, miss, but once the injury begins to heal you’ve more than enough to cover it.’
    She was about to put a hand up to explore just how much had been removed but Lord Sheldon wouldn’t release her fingers.
    ‘No, don’t touch it. It would be better left alone. And I can assure you once you can brush your hair across the injury no one will know.’
    ‘Very well, I’ll take your word for it, sir. I meant to say that I’m grateful for the excellent care that’s been given to my dogs and horses. Could I ask you to take my pets for a walk this afternoon as they seem, for some strange reason, to have taken to you.’ Why had she said that? The remark could be misconstrued as a criticism. ‘I don’t mean…’
    ‘I’m sure you don’t, I understand exactly. Your dogs appear to have adopted me which is certainly an odd thing to do on their part.’ He was now on his feet and had moved a decent distance away from her. ‘I’ll explain to everybody that you will be unable to join us for a day or two. I’m sure that your godmother will wish to visit when she arrives later today.’
    For a second Grace looked at him blankly. ‘I’m sure that Lady Peabody will have better things to do than see me. I’ve never met her, she’s merely doing my mother a favour by sponsoring me. They were bosom bows many years ago, I believe.’
    ‘Whatever the reason, Miss DuPont, I’m glad she agreed to do so. I can honestly say that there’s been more excitement in this house in the past twenty-four hours than in the past twenty-four years. I’ve not enjoyed myself so much since I returned from my soldiering.’ He raised his hand in casual farewell and was gone and the room seemed empty without him.
    Annie began to fuss. ‘I’ve never seen the like, you’d better come back to bed like his lordship said, miss, you look ever so peaky.’
    It was useless to argue when her maid was in this mood so Grace reluctantly agreed to return to her bedchamber, remove her garments and put her nightgown back on. By the time this was accomplished a jug of watered wine and another of lemonade arrived, as well as some sort of concoction prepared in the kitchen that would soothe her headache.
    She drank half the watered wine and swallowed the tisane and she scarcely had time to settle into her pillows before her eyes became heavy and she drifted into slumber.
    Bennett left Miss DuPont’s sitting room unable to stop himself from smiling. The girl might be headstrong, impertinent and unconventional but she was also a bruising rider, brave to a fault and undeniably attractive. Russet hair and green eyes were not a fashionable combination, neither was her unusual height and well-rounded figure, but there was something about her that appealed to him. Was it possible he’d found the girl he wanted to marry?
    He descended the stairs two at a time and jumped the last four like a schoolboy. He would go through the motions of looking at the other young ladies who’d been invited, but was sure

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