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Book: 0425273059 by Miranda James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Miranda James
    “My dear, I honestly don’t know what to think.” An’gel patted Mireille’s hand, then squeezed it. “I know you’ve had a lot to bear over the years, and it’s no wonder you’re weary of it.”
    “You sure have,” Dickce said. “We hate to see you and your family in such a terrible state. Is there anything we can do?”
    “Thank you both,” Mireille said. “Your support means a lot. I can’t quite believe myself that I have finally spoken up to say ‘enough is enough.’” She sighed heavily. “I guess I don’t want to spend whatever time I have left dealing with all this drama. Sometimes it’s like living in the middle of a soap opera, and I’m weary from trying to keep things calm and stable around here.”
    An’gel felt a mild chill at the words whatever time I have left . Was that simply an expression, or did it have a deeper meaning in Mireille’s case?
    She decided she might as well ask. If she didn’t, Dickce would. Her sister was too nosy sometimes.
    “Mireille, are there any health problems you haven’t told us about?” she asked.
    Mireille gave a faint smile. “My heart isn’t in the best shape, I’m afraid. My doctor says I’m good for a few more years, though.”
    “Oh, my dear,” Dickce said, and An’gel could see her sister’s eyes welling with tears. She had to blink back a few herself. She didn’t want to distress her cousin by breaking down, however.
    “Then you certainly deserve to rid yourself of whatever stress you can.” An’gel spoke in what she hoped was a firm, reassuring tone. “Is Jacqueline aware of this?”
    “No,” Mireille said. “I’d rather you didn’t tell her. She’s going to have enough to deal with, because I refuse to deal with my granddaughter anymore.”
    “I should think not,” Dickce said.
    “I’m so happy you’re here.” Mireille glanced at each of them in turn. “I don’t feel quite so alone now.”
    An’gel’s eyes stung. She felt such pity for her cousin, to have this kind of stress in her life. She should be able to enjoy her last years in calm and quiet. An’gel would happily have taken Sondra over her knees right then and given her a sound spanking for causing her grandmother so much grief.
    They were startled by a loud cry from outside the dining room.
    “Sondra, no! What are you doing?” Jacqueline was yelling.
    An’gel and Dickce rushed into the hall, and Mireille wasa few steps behind them. An’gel stared in shock at Sondra, on the second-floor landing, as the girl threw scraps of white cloth over the rails to the first floor.
    With a dull ache in her heart, An’gel realized that the source of the scraps was Mireille’s grandmother’s lovely wedding gown. Sondra had cut or ripped it to shreds.
    She heard Mireille gasp and cry out “No!” As she turned, Mireille fainted and hit the floor.

    J acqueline took one look at her mother on the floor near the stairs and started yelling for the housekeeper. “Estelle, hurry! Call 911! Maman has fainted.” She and Dickce knelt beside the stricken woman to render aid.
    Estelle scurried in from the back of the house where the kitchen lay, cell phone in hand. She was talking to someone and urging speed.
    An’gel, once she felt certain everything that could be done for her cousin at the moment was being done, charged up the stairs as quickly as she could to confront the source of Mireille’s great distress.
    Huffing slightly as she reached the second-floor landing, An’gel paused a moment to catch her breath. A few feet away Sondra leant against the railing, staring down at the scene below. From what An’gel could see, there was not a sign of remorse or concern on the girl’s face. At thatmoment An’gel felt a rage come over her, and it was all she could do not to go and pick the girl up and throw her over the railing, just as Sondra had tossed the remnants of the antique bridal gown. An’gel mastered the impulse, however, and took several

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