Love Knows No Bounds
why my phone worked in the chapel at Bandicott’s today.”
    Vern laughed. “You’re a smart one. Smarter than most who enter into a contract. But I’m afraid you’re not smart enough.”
    Faye pushed her purse behind her so the pouch rested against her right hip. Satan hadn’t won yet. She angled away from Vern, blocking his view, and she slid her hand under the flap. Lipstick tube—money—wallet—her fingers finally wrapped around her personal phone. Obviously the demon spawn didn’t want her have access to the internet, so that must be where the answer lay. Hope blossomed. If she could just check for the response from Twitter.
    “No,” the minion continued. “Most don’t get as far as you did, Ms. Albert. They give up. Resign themselves to a life of doing my master’s bidding.” He paced the edge of the shadows. “Hoping by doing his will their fate will be better.”
    Careful not to drop the phone, she pulled it out of her purse and switched it to her left hand.
    “But their efforts are useless,” the man continued.
    Jeez, he really liked to hear himself talk. “Meaning?”
    “Meaning…” A purely evil smile spread across his face. Shivers raced up Faye’s spine, driving home the fact that she bargained for far more than her life. “Once the contract is entered into your fate is slated for eternal damnation, fire and brimstone, never-ending suffering.”
    “The usual stuff then?”
    Vern’s expression turned dark. “I’ll make sure we plan something special for you.”
    Christopher gaze cut to her. “Uh, maybe it’s best not to taunt the demon.”
    Probably. Time to switch plans. Faye widened her eyes and clutched Christopher’s arm, making sure to hide the phone behind his back. “No, I’ll do anything, but don’t send me to the fiery pits of Hell.”
    She hugged Christopher and hid her face behind his biceps. Wasting no time, she lifted the phone and punched her email. The message from Twitter glowed like a beacon in a storm. Satan’s lackey was talking, but Faye ignored him. She tapped the message, enlarging it.
    We’ve reviewed your complaint and as per your request have provided a link to Unfollow. If you’ve received this message in error or the problem has been resolved, please disregard.
    She hit the link with her thumb. A roar erupted from Vern, rattling the rafters. Before she could react, a gust of wind hit Christopher and knocked him from the stones. Faye lurched forward, fumbling for the phone and catching it, inches from the stone.
    “Christopher!” She grabbed for him but an invisible force shoved him across the concrete floor and slammed him into the pile of stones. He struggled against the hold but couldn’t move. “Let him go.”
    The minion’s voice boomed through the warehouse. “Give me the phone.”
    She clutched it to her chest. He stepped toward her and now the flames she thought she’d once seen danced where his eyes should have been. The stones beneath her began to shake and slowly separate. Faye dropped to her knees. With one arm, she scooped three bricks toward her, trying to hold them in place, struggling to keep her sanctified ground. Her thighs burned from the effort of holding the bricks in place. Damn, a Pilates class would have come in handy about now.
    “He doesn’t care about you, Faye.” Vern pointed to Christopher. “If you unfollow your hopes of love will die and you’ll live an empty and lonely life.”
    She cradled the phone and looked at Christopher. Stupid demon. Of all the things to say, that had pushed her button. Whitney had said the same thing. Would she be alone all her life with only work and the satisfaction of helping others to keep her warm at night?
    “Don’t listen to him, Faye. It’s not true.” Christopher’s gaze begged her to believe him. “I love you.”
    Vern laughed and raised his arms, sending brooms and mops spiraling through the air. “Yes, he loves you…now.” He glided closer. “But if you press

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