Shadow Magic

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Book: Shadow Magic by Karen Whiddon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Whiddon
Tags: Romance, paranormal romance
                  At that they both fell silent.  A curse was something not done lightly, even by those few faeries inclined to follow the path of darkness. 
                  Despite his resolve not to get any more deeply involved than he had to, Egann's curiosity overrode his inclination to caution.  "Have you at least been able to find out why?"
                  "Nay.  The secret will most likely be found within the place where such knowledge is kept."
                  "Is the door to the Hall of Legends unlocked and open once again?"
                  "Not yet."  Fiallan sighed dramatically, reminding Egann that Fiallan had dreamt of entering the revered repository of records for most of his long life.
                    "I am certain the answer will lie within.  Now all I need is the door to open and allow me to search for it."
                  Egann couldn't help but smile at the anticipation in the wise one's voice.  He had no doubt that any day now, the heavy oak door would swing wide open, allowing all seekers access to the ancient records.  This had been known to happen every so often, though not in Egann's lifetime.
                  "Think you it will be soon?"  Fiallan asked, as though he had plucked the thought from inside of Egann's head.
                  About to answer, the absolute cessation of sound from the wildlife alerted Egann a second before he heard the telltale rustle of leaves.  In the blink of an eye Fiallan vanished.
                  "You there, warrior."  A man stepped into the clearing, hands up to show he did not bear arms.  At first glance he appeared to be a monk or priest of some sort.  Clad all in black, his gaunt face and ascetic features belied the sharpness of his gaze.  A rough rope of some homespun cloth belted the robe that hung on his lanky frame.  All in all, he looked harmless, a human monk or priest.
                  But Egann knew better than to trust appearances.  He gave a mocking smile and inclined his head, wondering how long it would be before the stranger realized that he too wore no sword and was not in fact, a warrior of any kind.
                  Unarmed - it would seem that they were evenly matched, proving again that appearances could deceive. 
                  "I seek a woman in these woods," the stranger said, his tone cordial.
                  Immediately, Egann's senses sharpened.  Still, he maintained his expressionless stance and skirted as close to the edge of the truth as he dared.  "You would have better luck in a pub or tavern.  There are naught but wild creatures here."
                  "Nay."  Stepping closer, the man's intent gaze tried to peer inside Egann.  "I have heard that a lost female roamed the forest this very morn, crying out in some distress or agony.  It may be that I know her - and I only seek to see if I may help her. "
                  It may be that I know her .
                  The back of his neck tingled. Absently, rubbing it with one hand, he kept his gaze on the stranger.  He lied, that much Egann knew, but to what end?
                  "Who are you?"  His tone sounded cold and blunt, but Egann did not care.
    He had accepted the charge of protecting Deirdre and would do so no matter the cost.
                  Blinking, the other spread his hands, palm up, holding them out before him like he sought benediction of some sort.  "I carry no weapon and have no wish to fight you.”
                  “Your name.”
                  “My name I give to no man.  Most call me Monk."
                  "But you are not."
                  "Nay, I am not." 
                  Monk sounded so agreeable that Egann nearly

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