Zectas Volume III: Malediction of Veneficatl Valley
labyrinth. Well, I think I'll take Sharanga here someday. I'll show her my ancestor's village then take her here."

"What do you mean ancestor's village?"

"Oh, Smoke didn't tell you? You see, I'm one half Condortlian. My father, James Jackal, escaped from Condortl before the Lizard people enslaved them."

"I never knew that. Why didn't you say anything before, when we were still in Condortl?"

"I didn't want make a fuss out of it. Besides I haven't done anything yet to make them proud of me, but don't you worry. I'll do something soon that'll make the Condortlians' sing praises of my name."

"I bet. Like the way Sharanga sings songs of your glory." Espion heckled.

Ichaival groaned. "Ouch! That was too close to the heart to be funny."

Smoke raised his hand and formed a fist.

"Knock it off you two. I sense something's coming. Igniz, lower your glow and hide in my cloak."

With his Earth Manipulation ability, Smoke created a burrow. All three men went inside it. Shortly after, twenty Centaurs came and trotted towards where they hid.

Smoke peeked at the Centaurs who had just arrived. He was expecting to see the monsters who had taken Tracas, the young boy who was kidnapped under Smoke's watch.

However, these Centaurs looked normal. They stood at a height of 8 feet with long hair. They had leather armor which protected their upper bodies and carried heavy long bows. Their horse halves varied from black, brown, yellow, and white.

The battle ready Centaurs slowly walked to where Smoke and his men were hiding. An old white haired Centaur who looked to be the leader spoke.

"Come out of there. I can sense your unwanted presence."

The Centaurs had their bows and arrows pointed at the place where Smoke and his men were concealed.

Smoke refused to believe that their hiding spot could be easily found. He created a well camouflaged burrow. There was no way the Centaur could have sensed them.

"Fine. Then let me help you out."

The white haired Centaur used his own Earth Manipulation ability and opened up Smoke's hiding place. The DarkElf and his men had their weapons out. They were prepared to attack at the slightest sign of aggression.

Yet, Smoke didn't want to harm his potential comrades. He wanted the Centaurs to join them in Verbrannt.

"Wait. We're not here to harm you. My men and I will slowly put down our weapons. I hope you'll hear us out."

The Centaurs' leader watched Smoke and his men closely, before he spoke.

"Sorry. This isn't really like me, but the last Condortlians caused too much trouble. Men fire!"

All of the Centaurs shot out their arrows. Instantly, a dome of Earth erupted from the ground and shielded them from the attack.

Smoke managed to block the arrows in time. The Centaurs' leader forced opened the Earth dome with his own ability, and an opening was created for half a second before it closed again.

It was a tug of war between the DarkElf and the white haired Centaur. Espion and Ichaival did their best to block the arrows that got in during the opening.

"Are you sure we shouldn't attack them?", asked Espion.

"Just give the order and we'll bring on the hurt.", added Ichaival.

"No, we have to talk to them. Now, stop bothering me. Using Earth Manipulation requires a lot of concentration."

Steadily, the white haired Centaur got the upper hand. Smoke thought about creating a tunnel with his Digger's wand to help them escape, but he doubted that would work because of the Centaurs' Earth Manipulation ability and keen senses.

Their tug of war that used their Earth Manipulation ability kept on for another ten minutes.

Suddenly, the sound of arrows hitting the dome stopped. Smoke then heard the white haired Centaur speak.

"DarkElf. I've ordered my men to stop attacking. Your mastery of the Earth has impressed me. Lower your dome so we may speak."

"And you expect me to believe that, just cause you said so?"

"In the name of Verlassene Pferde, I swear that my men shall not

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