Amazon Companion

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Book: Amazon Companion by Robin Roseau Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robin Roseau
predictable fashion?"
    "I will treat you with the respect I expect from you," she replied. "But I am the queen and would be your warrior, and you would be expected to obey me the same as you obey your village elders."
    I smiled. "I argue with the village elders."
    "Politely?" she asked.
    "Of course, until I steal a cane."
    Their lips turned upwards for a moment.
    "There are times arguing with me cannot be tolerated. I think you can understand why."
    I thought about it and nodded.
    "Arguing with me in private is tolerated. Arguing with me in public may not be. I have never had a companion argue with me, and I do not promise to accept it."
    "As you have seen, I am not one to hide from the truth. Will you enact retribution for sharing it?"
    I thought about it. I didn't have many options. But if they hadn't been lying, then yes, I owed them. We all did. "I will serve you," I said. "Two years. But if I am unconvinced these demons exist, you will return me home with restitution for your lies and any ill treatment I have received."
    Her face burst into a grin. "Agreed," she said immediately. "You will now vow to live by our rules. Disputes are handled in the training grounds and only in the training grounds."
    "That means you don't stick a knife in my ribs," Nori clarified.
    "I will not ask you to promise no attempt to escape," the queen said. "I don't believe you would keep that promise, and I do not wish you to be an oath breaker. But you will be punished for it."
    "I will , as best I can, live by your rules as I understand them. I reserve the right to attempt to escape. I will attempt no retribution for what has happened before tonight." I looked at Nori. "I have not forgiven her for my treatment."
    They both studied me.
    "One last requirement, " said the queen. "If you attempt to escape, and you are caught, you will surrender rather than raise arms against an Amazon."
    "Even if she raises arms against me?"
    "Yes. She would be enforcing the law. You would be breaking the law. Maya, if you raise arms against her, I am obligated to execute you. And so you are going to promise to surrender."
    "I will promise to use no deadly weapons against an Amazon unless attacked unfairly."
    The queen studied me. "You walk a dangerous line."
    "As you said, neither of us wishes me to be an oath breaker. If attacked unfairly, I will defend myself."
    She nodded, then smiled. "I am pleased to accept you as my companion, Maya," she said. "There will be a ceremony when we return home."
    "I have two other requirements and a warning."
    "You will retract your threats against Gallen's Cove and my family. I cannot serve someone who would punish innocent people for actions beyond their control. They didn't force me on you; you stole me."
    She studied me, not responding.
    "A just woman does not punish the innocent," I said. "Are you a just woman or not? If not, I will not serve you."
    "Your other requirement?"
    "It's almost the same. If you have a problem with me, deal with me. Do not blackmail me by hurting someone else."
    "If they are compatriots," she started to say.
    "I am not talking about someone foolish enough to go along with me. I am talking about using someone completely innocent to achieve compliance from me."
    "All right," Malora said. "I probably shouldn't have threatened Gallen's Cove in the first place. "
    "Nori too," I said.
    "Agreed," Nori replied.
    "And your warning?" Malora asked.
    "My agreement is based on your promise I will not be abused. If you break that oath, I will feel free to break mine."
    Her expression clouded. "You doubt my honor?"
    "My experience with the honor of Amazons is, shall we say, somewhat clouded." I looked pointedly at Nori, who looked at me passively. "What small trust we have right now is fragile."
    Malora sighed and glanced at Nori, who said quietly, "I am sorry, Queen Malora. She has a point."
    "Trust will take time," Malora said to me. "I will not abuse you."
    "I will serve you, Queen Malora."

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