Age of X01 - Gameboard of the Gods

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Book: Age of X01 - Gameboard of the Gods by Richelle Mead Read Free Book Online
Authors: Richelle Mead
Tags: Romance Speculative Fiction
hundreds of bright-eyed graduates who could do what I used to do, for less money and with more ambition.”
    “Some people,” said Cornelia, in a tone stating she was not one of them, “feel you have certain qualifications that make you a valuable asset for a particular situation that’s arisen. We can’t elaborate on any other details until you’ve agreed to return.”
    Francis looked ready to burst with excitement. “Oh, Cornelia, just show him the offer.”
    She grimaced at having her rehearsed presentation interrupted, but after a few moments, she produced an ego and told it, “Bring up the Justin March offer.” She handed the device to Justin.
    For a moment, he was more taken with the ego than its display, now that he could actually hold one. They were smaller and lighter than when he’d left, and voice commands had apparently improved significantly. Reminding himself there was an incredible chance he might be surrounded by all this technology once again, he focused back on the ego’s screen, which detailed a very generous employment package. It cited a salary much higher than his previous one, as well as other perks, such as “luxury accommodations” in Vancouver. The offer also mentioned that he’d return with a visa of unspecified length, which he didn’t find reassuring.
    “How much are you authorized to go up to?” Justin asked, handing the ego back to Cornelia.
    “I beg your pardon?” she asked.
    “This is an offer. You’re coming in as a bargainer, meaning there’sroom to negotiate on this. Whatever max salary Internal Security’s authorized you to go up to, I want it.”
    Cornelia’s antagonistic expression and reluctant nod told him two things. One was that this was real, that they wanted him back—wanted him back very, very badly. And that led to his second conclusion, that he had more power here than she wanted to admit.
    “Fine,” she said. “So we’re settled?”
    “No. If I’m going to take up the mantle again, I want a few other things.”
    None of them said anything. They were probably too astonished that he wasn’t down on his hands and knees begging to be taken back. He was kind of astonished himself.
    “I want arrangements for my sister.”
    “Your…your sister?” Cornelia was too baffled by the request to be scornful.
    “I’m guessing she’s still stuck in Anchorage. Get her out of there. Bring her to Vancouver, and give her a place as nice as mine. Somewhere in the suburbs.”
    The more this continued, the more Justin was getting a feel for the group dynamics and who was in what role. Francis, with his rank, undoubtedly held the most power and authorization, but Cornelia was the one charged with negotiation. Judging from Francis’s lack of involvement thus far, Justin hadn’t made any outlandish requests yet. After all, if they were already willing to spend so much on him, how much more would it cost to relocate one woman and her son? Meanwhile, Mae wore an excellent poker face, but she was watching everything so avidly that it was clear she wasn’t privy to SCI’s bartering. Maybe she was along for the ride simply to ensure their safe travels. Or maybe she had been ordered to kill him if he refused.
    “Fine,” repeated Cornelia. “We’ll take care of your sister. Now, let’s—”
    “One more thing,” Justin interrupted. Even doting Francis looked a little amazed at the audacity. It was time to see just how badly the RUNA wanted its servitor back.
    Be careful, said Horatio. Even they have limits.
    I know. But I have to ask. You know I do.
    “There are some people here…a family. I want them to get visas too. The guy used to have business relations with us, so it shouldn’t be that big of a deal.”
    “You want some Panamanian family allowed into the RUNA?” asked Cornelia incredulously.
    “Yeah. There’s only…” Justin started counting out on his fingers. “One…two…guess we’ve got to bring her. Probably the in-laws too. Nine. There

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