The Chosen Prince

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Book: The Chosen Prince by Diane Stanley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Stanley
    â€œWe are all foolish sometimes, Your Highness. And he grasped the amulet for greatness. There was no doubt about it—quite impossible for an infant to do unless the goddess guides him. As your chancellor, and I hope also your friend, I strongly advise you to reconsider. Who can tell what Athene intends?”
    â€œHave you seen him?”
    â€œAlexos? No, Your Majesty. He has not yet appeared in public.”
    â€œWell, if you had, you’d know I am right.”
    â€œBut Athene—”
    â€œWe made a mistake , blast you! We even sensed at the time that something was wrong. But we wanted so badly for him to be the one that we turned a blind eye to the inconsistencies. Now I’m not going to compound that mistake by making another one.”
    There is a silence. Alexos, frozen, holds his breath.
    â€œIt’ll break the boy’s heart, you know—after all he’s been through.”
    The king grunts.
    â€œPerhaps if you waited a while, gave him a chance to fully recover—”
    â€œNo! I’ve given it more than enough time andthought. I told you, it’s done. Teo is my heir.” There is a long pause. Then, “I sometimes think it would have been kinder if the boy had died.”
    â€œOh, Your Highness!”
    â€œYou think I don’t grieve over what’s happened to him? Of course I do! He was such a strong, handsome boy. Now he’s ruined. And as I have another son who is perfectly sound, it’s the only reasonable decision. It’s best for the kingdom.”
    â€œPrince Matteo is very young. What is he, four?”
    â€œEvery heir to every throne was once very young. He’ll have a regent if he inherits before he comes of age.”
    Another long pause.
    â€œWhen will you tell them?”
    â€œThis afternoon. Then I have to get back to the army and Teo must start his training. He’s a terrible baby for a boy his age. All he wants to do is fish. I’ll see that Antonio takes him in hand.”
    â€œAnd Alexos?”
    The king heaves a deep, carrying sigh.
    â€œHe will just have to take it like a man.”

    TEO STANDS AT THE window of his sleeping chamber gazing down at the grassy slope below, the shade trees on the bank, the river, the little skiff that is always tied up at the bank—and all of it reminds him of Alexos. He misses his brother so much!
    Everyone says he’s better now. So why won’t he come out of his rooms or let anyone in?
    The dragon snores have already started, but Teo has learned to wait until they’ve grown more regular, without the occasional waking snorts that tell him she’s still settling in for her nap. It’ll be soon, though. Then he can sneak out.
    Below, a figure has just come out onto the lawn. He walks with a cane, moving with an awkward, jerky motion. He’s dressed in an ankle-length tunic, thekind old men wear, but Teo doesn’t think this person is old. His hair is black, not gray. And he wears it long, pulled back and tied with a ribbon at the nape of the neck, a young man’s style.
    Teo holds his breath. The fellow is moving too fast; he’s going to fall. And sure enough, he almost does, but then he manages to catch himself in time. He stands for a moment, trying to compose himself. Then he looks around, probably to see if anyone noticed. And for the first time Teo catches a glimpse of his face. . . .
    He races down toward the river, his heart nearly bursting with joy. He runs so fast that he trips and goes tumbling down the slope. But he just laughs, picks himself up, and keeps running till he’s reached the fishing place.
    Alexos is sitting on a tree stump facing the river, a gold-headed cane across his knees. He is very still. Teo decides to surprise him. He circles around and with a joyful leap suddenly appears before his brother—arms spread wide, a bright expectant smile on his face.
    But how strange! The boy he sees

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