World War IV: Alliances- Book 0

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Book: World War IV: Alliances- Book 0 by James Hunt Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Hunt
the reach of your arms . Once that façade had been lifted, your world was susceptible to the follies of those who did not share the same vision. However, Delun had long outgrown the deception that he offered to the west: years of dodging and darting the inspections and trade restrictions the Australians and Americans had set upon them, establishing new alliances, and rebuilding the infrastructure for his people after the devastating loss in the Island Wars that had crippled his nation so much.
    It was a foolish endeavor of his predecessors all those years ago to try and take the southern islands and then challenge the west. They spread themselves too thin, unprepared for the family of war that had sprouted from the Americas. The Mars family. He’d studied and learned as much as he could about them. Even now, he knew they would be the final test of his military’s strength and his own diplomatic efforts once the war was over.
    Delun walked over to a particular set of books, sealed inside a glass case. He opened the door gently, selecting the very first book in the row, handling the tome like it was a child. The cover had completely worn off, leaving nothing but faded blotches of where the lettering and illustration used to lie, and the pages were brittle and warped. He opened the book and gently ran his fingers over the title, which was barely visible in the faded letters. Sun Tzu: The Art of War.
    It was this that would give Delun and his commanders their victory. Everything he learned within this book had allowed him to build the empire he firmly grasped. He’d built it through deception and treachery, and as such had laid traps for his enemies. All warfare is based on deception. And now it was time for the offensive.
    Chapter 7
    The only sound Jason heard deep within the cabin of the ship was the light lap of the waves against the hull. He lay there, soaked with sweat in his bed, the girl from the night before naked next to him, still asleep. He scooted close and ran his finger along her shoulder, moving down her side where it curved over her hip.
    Her skin was tanned and soft, and despite the heat and sweat, she still smelled of flowers and salt water. Her face was covered by long strands of thick, wavy black hair that refused to be tamed by hand or brush. Jason remembered the way it moved as she spun around on the dance floor, blocking the smile that curved up her lips and shone in her eyes.
    Jason slowly sat up, the heavy bed of straw shifting underneath his weight. He looked back at her, and she stirred but only enough to move to her back, her hair falling from her face. He ran his hand along her cheekbone. Her eyes opened, and she gave him the same smile from the night before. “Good morning.” Her native speech rolled off of her tongue just as warm as her skin pressed up against him.
    “Morning.” Jason felt the warmth emanating from her. It wasn’t the hot, uncomfortable heat of the climate around him. It was… different.
    Footsteps quickly thudded down the steps to Jason’s room, and Chris smiled at the foot of the stairs as the girl pulled her dress from behind her on the floor to cover herself. “No need for that, darling. I was rather enjoying the view.”
    “What is it?”
    “Some of Ruiz’s men are here to see you.” Chris’s tone changed from playful to stern. “They wouldn’t tell me what they want.”
    Jason stepped through the legs of his pants and tied the lacing. “Armed?” He pulled his shirt over his head. It was still dirty from the night before but held the faintest hint of flowers.
    “Yes, but there’s only two of them,” Chris answered. “I suppose if they wanted to kidnap us, they could send an entire unit. Still, it doesn’t mean they don’t have more waiting the moment you’re away from the ship.”
    “I was scheduled to meet with Ruiz this afternoon. He could just want to meet with me now.” Jason

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