Werewolf Romance Rough Sex Erotica: Make Her Howl

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Book: Werewolf Romance Rough Sex Erotica: Make Her Howl by Michelle Fox Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Fox
pizza . “Hold on. Cal might not be able to, but I could. Maybe. ”
    I raised my eyebrows and motioned for him to continue.
    “ My pack has a hist ory of helping nulls and well-- ” He squared his shoulders and sat a little straighter. “I’m an alpha.”
    I rolled my eyes. “Sure you are.” Every mal e wolf thought he was an alpha, which was one of the things that made them so annoying. As much as I’d wanted to belong, being spared the endless posturing and strutting of a male wolf in lust was one thing that went in the plus column.
    He looked puzzled. “No, I’m really an alpha. Why do you think Cal asked me to come to Huntsville?”
    Crossing my arms, I said, “Why did he ask you here? Was he aware that you would leave no woman untouched?”
    Jackson winced. “Come on, that’s not fair. Listen, you guys don’t have an alpha here. There’s no one to come up after Cal.”
    That made my ears perk up. Pack succession was a primary concern among wolves and I’d had no idea Huntsville lacked true alpha material . Of course being a null, I was banned from the pack clearing and thus had no way to know. “Is Cal sick?” My stomach sank to think of a world without him. He’d been as kind as a father to me many a time.
    “No, but he’s planning for the future.” He eyed the pizza box and I moved it closer to me, pushing down on the lid again for emphasis . Mine.
    “You’re the future of the Huntsville pack?” I stifled a laugh. God help us . Them , I correc ted. Considering that Jackson wo uld someday lead made my situation slightly more palatable. A gigolo was not my idea of prime leadership material.
    “Why is that funny?” He looked perplexed.
    “Never mind. So tell me, how exactly can you make me a wolf?” I couldn’t wait to hear what Pack Master Gigolo would say next.
    He cleared his throat and rubbed his hands on his pants, gaze roaming the room and looking everywhere but at me. Nervous was a new look for him, usually he brimmed with brash confidence.   “We have to sleep together.” The words came out fast in a jumble, but my mind quickly interpreted the message.
    I jumped out of my chair, hand over my mouth and backed away from him. “Holy shit. You have got to be fucking kidding me.” I paced the living room and then froze, shooting him a look that could kill. “Wait, this is a joke. You sick fuck.” My hands balled into fists and I stormed over to where he sat.
    He stood up and side-stepped me, his arms raised in a placating gesture. “No joke, Chloe.”
    “You’ve slept with everyone else. Why not give me a whirl , huh ? Sleep with the null and see if it’s any different? Am I right?” I was yelling now and stalked him across the room, one hand cocked, fist at the ready. I wasn’t as strong as a real wolf, but I wasn’t human weak either. Oh yeah , I could bring the pain.
    “ Wait --” he began, but I lunged for him, my fist aiming for his jaw.
    Instead of feeling my bones grinding into his, I connected with flesh stronger than my own. H e caught both of my hands and pulled me cl ose as he pinned them behind my back. Then his lips crushed mine in a fierce kiss.
    I’d never been kissed . Nulls can’t be mates so I was out of the dating pool from day one. The shock of his lips against mine left me motionless for a moment. A strangled gasp escaped my throat and I wrestled with his grip, but couldn’t break his hold . His mouth was insistent , plucking at my lower lip, tongue probing. He tasted like pizza and wine and the smell of him filled my senses.
    So this is what it’s like to be kissed.
    “The thing is Chloe, you smell like wolf to me.” He spoke with his mouth still on mine, his words telegraphing through my body in little shivers . “I think she’s in there and just doesn’t know how to come out.”
    He nuzzled my neck, nose caressing me as he inhaled deeply. I froze under the assault of sensations I didn’t fully understand. My body felt like it was the wrong

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