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Book: Castles by Julie Garwood Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julie Garwood
really had upset her. He hated to see the tears in her eyes, especially since he knew he was the cause of her distress.
    â€œYou’re going to stay here until I decide what to do with you,” he said, his voice gruff.
    â€œI decide my future, Colin, not you. Let go of me. I won’t stay where I’m not wanted.”
    â€œYou’re staying here.”
    He added a glare to his order so she would back down. It didn’t work. She wouldn’t be intimidated. In truth, she glared back. “You don’t want me, remember?” she challenged.
    He smiled. “Oh, I want you all right. I’m just not willing to marry you. I’m being completely honest with you and I can see from your blush I’ve embarrassed you. You’re too damn young and innocent for this ridiculous game you’ve taken on. Let my father . . .”
    â€œYour father is too ill to help me,” she interrupted. She jerked her arm away from his hold. “But there are others who will come to my aid. You needn’t be concerned.”
    He couldn’t explain why he felt insulted, but he did. “Since my father is too ill to see to his duty of looking out for you, the task falls on my shoulders.”
    â€œNo, it doesn’t,” she argued. “Your brother, Caine, will act as my guardian. He’s next in line.”
    â€œBut Caine’s conveniently ill too, isn’t he?”
    â€œI don’t believe there is anything convenient about his illness, Colin.”
    He didn’t argue the point with her, and in fact pretended he hadn’t heard her. “And as your guardian during this period of family illness, I will decide where you go and when. Don’t give me that defiant look, young lady,” he ordered. “I always get my way. By nightfall I’ll know why you think you have to get married so quickly.”
    She shook her head. He grabbed hold of her chin and held her steady. “God, but you’re stubborn.” He tweaked her nose, then let go of her. “I’ll be back in a few hours. Stay put, Alesandra. If you leave, I’ll come after you.”
    Raymond and Stefan were both waiting in the foyer. Colin walked past the two guards, then stopped. “Don’t let her leave,” he ordered.
    Raymond immediately nodded. Alesandra’s eyes widened. “They’re my guards, Colin,” she called out. Damn, he’d treated her like a child when he’d tweaked her nose and talked so condescendingly to her, and now she was behaving like one.
    â€œYes, they are your guards,” Colin agreed. He opened the front door, then turned back to her. “But they answer to me. Isn’t that right, boys?”
    Both Raymond and Stefan immediately nodded. She was a bit piqued, and almost blurted out her opinion of his high-handed methods.
    Dignity and decorum. The words echoed in her mind. She could feel the mother superior standing behind her, looking over her shoulder. It was a ridiculous feeling, of course, for the nun was an ocean away. Still, her lectures had taken root. Alesandra forced a serene expression and simply nodded agreement.
    â€œWill you be gone long, Colin?” she inquired, her voice quite calm.
    He thought she sounded hoarse. She looked like she wanted to shout at him. Colin smiled. “Probably,” he answered. “Will you miss me?”
    She matched his smile. “Probably not.”
    The door closed on his laughter.


    S he didn’t miss him at all. Colin didn’t come home until well after the dinner hour. Alesandra was thankful he stayed away because she didn’t want his interference, and the man certainly did seem to interfere.
    She was kept busy with her appointments. She spent the remainder of the morning and all afternoon entertaining her father’s old friends. They called, one after another, to pay their respects and to offer her assistance while she was in London. Most of the

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