Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy)

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Book: Lorik The Defender (The Lorik Trilogy) by Toby Neighbors Read Free Book Online
Authors: Toby Neighbors
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
very aware of the reality of the world.
    "It is good to see you too, Hennick.  I wish these were happier times."
    "You have encountered the evil from the south, then?" the elf asked.
    "Yes," Lorik said.  He sat down, leaning his back against the wall.
    "I hope you don't mind, I've asked some others to join us.  We must make our plans and they will need to hear what you have to say."
    "Of course," Lorik said.
    Hennick waved and Shayah opened a small door.  A group of about twenty Drery Dru entered.  They all smiled and some bowed to Lorik.  He did his best to look encouraging, but as he watched the forest elves he began to grow fearful.  He didn't want to see them hurt, yet he couldn't imagine what might happen if he was unable to stop the witch's army which was marching north.
    "Shayah, can you bring Lorik some refreshment?" Hennick said.
    "It would be my honor," she said, then slipped out of the room.
    "Alright, Lorik.  Tell us what you have seen," Hennick continued.  "Hold nothing back."
    Lorik began by describing the flying horse creatures.
    "They are the Leffers," Hennick said.  "Minions of the underworld.  Foul creatures, they haven't been seen in thousands of years."
    "They are capturing people," Lorik said.  "Impaling them with their tails and carrying them back south."
    "Do you know why?"
    "The wizard I met said a witch had summoned them and that she was building an army."
    "An army that is moving north at this very moment," Hennick said.  "We have felt the darkness approaching."
    "There was another type of monster.  A huge, shaggy lion, or at least that's what it appeared to be."
    "This witch is creating monsters by combining creatures and mutating them," Hennick said. "It is an ancient magic.  Very dark, very evil."
    "We don't have enough people to stop them," Lorik said.  "I'm sending the Queen of Ortis to Baskla, to seek their help, but they will not want to guard the forest."
    "You need not trouble yourself with our safety, tall one," Hennick said.  "Although your concern is honorable."
    "I must go and fight this army," Lorik said.  "I know that.  I was hoping you might be able to give me some clue as to how I can defeat them."
    "The only way to defeat such an army is to defeat the one who controls them.  If this witch is creating an army from common folk among the Five Kingdoms, then she must have some way to bend them to her will."
    "So she's controlling the Leffers and the other monsters she creates?" Lorik asked.
    "No, she has no need to control the evil creatures whose nature reflects her own.  A wild animal will kill without being prompted by her dark intent.  But forcing a farmer to fight is an entirely different matter.  She will have mutated them somehow, it is the nature of the dark magic she practices, but she will have to control them to ensure they carry out her bidding."
    "Then I should go and stop her," Lorik said.
    "It's too late for that," Hennick said.  "Not even with our magic could you hope to reach her in the depths of the underworld.  Only a wizard can stop her now, that is the nature of things."
    "Zollin was the wizard who helped us drive the Norsik out of Ortis," Lorik said.  "Do you think he could stop her?"
    "It is possible," Hennick said.  "We saw the dragon rider, but he was flying north."
    "Yes, he told me he was going to recruit an army from the magical creatures in the Northern Highlands."
    "A sensible plan.  Unfortunately, you do not have the same resources," Hennick said.  "You must work to slow the witch's forces and give your wizard friend time to stop the horde's foul master."
    "I have one other question," Lorik said.  "I was fighting the Leffers, and at one point a simple touch from my sword destroyed the creature."
    "The Swords of Acromin are powerful weapons," Hennick said.
    "Yes, they are, but this was different.  I felt something flow through me.  And then the monster just blew apart."
    Hennick looked at the other Drery Dru in the room.

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