The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook: A Defense Manual for the Coming Extraterrestrial Apocalypse

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Book: The Alien Invasion Survival Handbook: A Defense Manual for the Coming Extraterrestrial Apocalypse by W. H. Mumfrey Read Free Book Online
Authors: W. H. Mumfrey
Tags: Ebook, EPUB
this book have been strictly followed, you can be 97 percent sure you are safe from alien abduction. That only leaves 3 percent to worry about.
    What if things don't go according to plan? In the confusion of your first close encounter, you forget the lyrics to “Voodoo Child.” The battery in your iPod goes flat. You are abducted while asleep, or you are unexpectedly overpowered by a seething mass of our interstellar adversaries. Any one of a hundred unforeseen events can thwart even the most thorough counter-abduction training. Must you abandon hope? Definitely not. Escape is not only possible, it has been achieved by a surprisingly large number of ordinary people under a wide range of extraordinary circumstances.

    Escape, however, is a venture that should never be taken lightly. Fleeing from your alien abductors is a serious undertaking fraught with a unique set of challenges and unforeseen dangers. Yet, when weighed against the perils of remaining captive, escape, no matter how dangerous, is the only real alternative left to those who do not wish to subject themselves to the indignities of a lifetime of harassment and experimentation.
    In addition to physical stamina, a successful escape will require courage and cunning, but also a considerable amount of good luck. Yet, the key ingredient in any escape situation is always the mental attitude of the person involved. Being proficient in the necessary skills is important, but having the will to survive is essential.
    Although the circumstances of abductions may be unique, there are some general rules that can be followed.
    1. REMAIN CALM AND FOCUSED. It is vital that you don't panic. You have a job to do, and it will take all of your concentration and determination to succeed. Like any strange and new environment, alien spacecrafts hold much to distract you from your primary objective. The novelty of your extraterrestrial surrounding, peculiar sounds and smells, and the unnerving sensation of gangly fingers probing every inch of your body can all divert your attention from your task. Take a deep breath, relax, think — then act.
    2. PLAN AN EARLY ESCAPE. Seventy-three percent of all successful escapes occur within the first thirty minutes of captivity. It is during this period that you are still capable of functioning at your peak; the longer you remain under alien control, the more your physical ability and mental resolve to escape will be impaired. So, start planning your escape and watching for opportunities the moment you are captured.
    3. BE OBSERVANT. Pay attention to your surroundings. Take note of the route you take within the spacecraft, watching carefully for reference points that will help you retrace your path back out of the ship. Also look for any side corridors, ventilation shafts, or other alternative exit points. Are there any items that could be used to aid your escape or to use as a weapon? Note the location and number of aliens along your route. Even small things, which may initially seem insignificant, could be of vital importance later on.
    4. ACT IMMEDIATELY. The saying “he who hesitates is lost” is never truer than when attempting to escape from your alien abductors. When an opportunity to escape presents itself, it is imperative that you act immediately, as you may not get a second chance. Be prepared to adapt your strategy to suit the situation, which may change from moment to moment. Watch and wait. If you notice the aliens are distracted or momentarily let down their guard, you must be prepared to act instantly. Chances to escape have been lost by those waiting for just the right circumstances. There is no time like the present. Do it now.
    5. ROCK ON. The very fact that you have been captured and are onboard an alien spacecraft indicates that you were probably without a functional or adequately shielded MP3 player (refer to chapter 2). Any successful escape attempt will hinge on your ability to employ the

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