Sweet Cheeks
hate him.
    “Well, well. If it isn't little Jen, Jen.”
    I cringe. That hateful pet name sends chills down my spine.
    “Look at you. All knocked up.” Then he laughs at me.
    It isn't a nice laugh, it's a nasty laugh. One that I had to listen to every day in my first year of junior high.
    I see he hasn't changed. Still the mean asshole. He's gotten a lot bigger and meaner looking too. His hair is shiny and black, all slicked back, his blue eyes, icy cold, there's no warmth in them. I decide not to respond, he's really not worth the effort. Then he stands in front of my car door, not letting me go. That's the thing with this asshole, I could never pin anything specific on him, because he never actually touched me. He talked about it continually. Talked about all the things he wanted to do to me, but he never acted on it. Didn't really matter, when I was thirteen I didn't know he wouldn't. It was enough he said it, and he made sure no one ever heard the vile things he said and I never told a soul. Not once did I admit to anyone the torment I went through that year. I just counted my blessings when his family had to leave town.
    A lot of time has passed, and I'm well aware I'm an adult and don't have to stay and listen to his insults, but my nerves are on edge. I don't know if he's any different, or if he's gotten worse. But knowing his type I'm betting he found another girl to torment. Cause that's what he is, a predator of the worst kind. Gets his jollies from picking on the innocent and weak. I can just imagine the kind of girls he's set his sights on.
    “Get out of the way,” I say through clenched teeth, my legs are like jelly but I stand my ground. I have Treasure Pot to consider now.
    He smiles and gives the smallest shake of his head. “Now, don't be like that. I think we should catch up a bit. It's been a long time.”
    Okay, so this angry tactic isn't working, I need to use the other kind of tactics I've learnt over the years. I never let myself be vulnerable after him. Well, until a couple of days ago. Tanning is the first guy who's actually speared my defences, since Jason.
    I give him my best fake smile. “Oh, I'd love that. I mean we have so many good times to reminisce about, trouble is, my boyfriend might not like that so much. He's a police officer over in Forest.”
     Forest is the next biggest town close to ours, so I'm hoping he doesn't know anyone there. I keep smiling and playing with my keys.
    He arches a brow. “Boyfriend, huh? What's his name?”
    “Tanning,” I say real quick.
    “Yeah. Didn't you have some kid in your year with that name. Little skinny kid.”
    Shit, he remembers Tanning.
    “Well we might have, but my Tanning is no skinny kid, must have been a popular name or something.”
    “You know what, I think you're making that up. I heard word you got knocked up by some loser who didn't stick around. Left you all alone. Poor little Jen, Jen. That must have made you cry a lot. You always were a big cry baby.”
    Goddamn it!
    He's such an asshole, and he knows just how to push my buttons. I bite the inside of my cheek and try to hold it together, but he's getting under my skin.
    “Well, you heard wrong. Now if you'll just move, I'll get going, nice catching up,” I expect him to move and step forward with my keys at the ready.
    Except he doesn't, he stands tall and leans down to whisper in my ear. He smells of cigarettes and alcohol and I want to retch as his rancid breath surrounds me. “Oh, I haven't finished catching up with you. We still have so much more to talk about. And now you're all older and looking so fine, our catching up might be a whole lot more fun.”
    I swallow down the bile. I can feel the tears burning my eyes, I have to get away from him. There is no one out here. And no one will be looking for me. I am so alone.
    I decide to keep him talking. “What are you doing out here anyway?” I ask, trying to keep my voice even, as I take a step back. I have no

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