In the Arms of a Marquess

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Book: In the Arms of a Marquess by Katharine Ashe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katharine Ashe
Tags: Fiction, Historical Romance
back. Ben tried to smile and failed.
    “If she’s noddy enough to put you off, she don’t deserve you, duck. But there’s quality females for you.” Lil shrugged, her bosom threatening to tip over her tight-laced bodice. A brawl brewed across the gin house, shouts and gruff insults. Ben wrapped his hand around the bottle of Blue Ruin and lifted it to his lips.
    “There there, ducky. Ain’t you had enough already?”
    “I daresay he has, Lil.”
    Ben slewed his gaze up. Styles hovered beside the table, swaying from side to side. Or perhaps that was the gin.
    “Aw,” Lil scowled, lips tight. “Come to take his lordship away and I’ve not yet got what I came over here for.”
    “What’s that?” Styles murmured with a smile.
    “What I’ll not be giving the likes of you ever again.” She glared.
    Styles’s grin faded.
    Ben shook his head. He’d certainly drunk too much.
    Lil leaned to his ear and slid a hand along his thigh. “Come on, love. I’ll take your mind off that bit o’ prim-and-proper for half price.”
    A chuckle cracked in his tight chest. “Still generous, but never too generous. You give a man hope in the honesty of women, Lil.”
    “You’re a peculiar cove, but I likes you. Always did. She don’t know what she’s missing.” Beneath the table she ran her hand over his crotch, lingering, then pulled away and stood up. With another dark look at the baron, she moved off through the crowd.
    “What’ve you done to fall into Lil’s bad graces, Styles?” Ben pushed the bottle away and pressed his palms to the sticky table.
    “No doubt she’s on her high horse since you are here. She always liked you quite a bit better than me.”
    Ben glanced up and Styles’s gaze came around to meet him, shuttered. Peculiar. Unlike him.
    Definitely the drink.
    Ben pushed onto his feet. His clogged head spun.
    Styles laid a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll take you to Hauterive’s. Why you came in here when the company down the street would welcome you, I haven’t the slightest. Glad I came upon you, though.”
    “No. I’m for home.” Ben started toward the door.
    “You disappeared from Lady Ashford’s party so swiftly I hadn’t an idea of it until you were gone. If I’d have known you were heading here I would have dissuaded you.”
    “Couldn’t have.” Ben pushed through the lollers at the tavern’s entry and headed toward the mews down the alley with bleary eyes but houndlike precision. If he hadn’t trekked this path hundreds of times in his university days, he would be lost now. Lost in London’s hells and lost in confounded memories, neither of which locations he particularly wished to be.
    “Who was that girl you were dancing with, the one that looked like an Irish Athena, all sublime figure and eyes of soft steel?”
    Ben blinked to shut out the image of Octavia’s body wrapped in the shimmering gown, her soft lips, pinkened cheeks, and the sensation of her trembling fingers within his. But behind his lids the image was even stronger, and his hand still felt hot where hers had lain.
    “Good God, Walker,” he grunted, “you and Constance would make a perfect pair, both of you curious as a couple of magpies.”
    “Lady Constance asked about the girl too? Is she jealous?”
    “Only of your paramours.”
    “Then the lady at Ashford’s is a paramour?”
    Ben shook his head, his stomach rolling. “Not mine.” Not any longer.
    He moved across the street in unsteady strides.
    But why not? No one controlled his destiny now. His life was his own. Why not seduce a beautiful, deceitful woman, a woman whose flavor yet remained upon his tongue? Why not take pleasure where he wished?
    Because he could not then and still could not believe in her deceit, although he had tried to convince himself of it again and again. To absolve himself of guilt.
    He stumbled into the stable and pressed his face into his horse’s satiny neck. Taking to the bottle tonight had been a mistake. He needed

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