Saved By A Stranger
good,” he
whispered, circling her slowly, teasingly. The swell of her arousal
built with each lazy circle he drew, bringing her to the edge but
never over as if he knew that his feathery strokes weren’t
    “ Harder,” she moaned,
thrusting her hips against his hand.
    “ Ask me to tie your feet,”
he said, slipping two fingers inside her.
    She bit her lip, wondering why he didn’t tie
her spread-eagle to the bed, it seemed so much more comfortable.
“You can tie me,” she said, wishing she hadn’t spoken because he
stepped away from the bed. Not feeling his touch made her worry he
would just leave again. “But I want to be on my back. Isn’t that
how it’s usually done?”
    “ Is it? I wouldn’t know.”
He laughed, a low rumble that made blood rush to her face in a hot
tingle. “If I wanted you on your back, you would be.”
    He slung the cable around her ankles, making
quick work of it. The effect sent a shiver of sensation over her
skin when she tried to move her legs and found she couldn’t.
Pressing up from the mattress, she sat back on her heels, aware
that she had no way of escaping his ties. The cable was as
effective as if he had cast her in iron shackles.
    “ And ever felt so
helpless?” he asked, a worrying smile on his lips.
    Heart slamming against her rib cage, she
shook her head, an odd sensation of fear combined with mind-numbing
arousal taking her breath.
    The sound of his metal belt buckle rang loud
as he undid it and slid it off his jeans. “Do you feel good,
sweetheart,” he whispered, but her gaze was transfixed on the
leather belt in his hands.
    “ Lean forward,” he said,
and when she didn’t comply, gave her a push against the shoulder.
She winced as the cable bit into her skin when she landed on her
face, leaving her ass up in the air, and the cable around her feet
added something to the act she’d never felt before. Helplessness.
Submission. Her throat went dry at the thought that she submitted
to him in such a way, and that she didn’t mind. At all.
    “ I’ll make you feel so
good,” he murmured, running his hand over her bare back and over
each dip and hollow of her spine. “I’ll spank you now,” he said,
caressing the cheeks of her butt through her panties. “Three times,
with the leather belt. And then I’ll take off your
    Licking her dry lips, she felt her thighs
start to tremble. “Do it,” she said, closing her eyes, anticipation
making her hold her breath. When the snap of leather rang and the
flat side of the belt hit her butt, she cried out. Stars erupted
behind her eyes. The pain making her stomach clench, and then his
hand was between her legs, sending explosions of lust through her
    “ Please,” she moaned, her
release so close she needed all but two hard, fast touches. She
inhaled as he spanked her for the second time, and before she could
protest, a third time, the slap ringing through the air. As the
pain subsided, the tingling mixed with her need for release,
creating an unbearable level of tension. She could feel her clit
pulsing, her panties wet. If he didn’t fuck her soon, she’d start
    “ Hold still,” he said, and
something cold slipped between her skin and panties. Her eyes flew
open when she realized he used the cutter to cut through the
    The fabric gave way smoothly against the
sharp blade. Her panties fell away from her bottom and he tugged
them down one leg. Breath feathered over her sore skin and a kiss
landed first on one cheek then the other side of her butt.
    “ You look all flushed and
swollen,” he said, tracing one finger through her wet pussy lips.
He pressed her hips down until she rested flat on the mattress, her
hands tied behind her back. “I’m gonna fuck that sweet pussy of
yours now.”
    The sound of a zipper being undone made her
turn her head just in time to see him shrug out of his jeans. He
wrapped his hand around his erection and gave himself a long
stroke. “Untie

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