The Golden Couple (The Samantha Project Series, # 2)

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Book: The Golden Couple (The Samantha Project Series, # 2) by Stephanie Karpinske Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Karpinske
Tags: science fiction romance
Brittany said from behind us. “That red truck over there. HAS. Hmm, that stands for Hot And Sexy. I should have that license plate. Or actually, Erik should.” Brittany leaned up and started rubbing Erik’s shoulders. I rolled my eyes then glanced at Erik, who seemed to be enjoying it way too much.
    “That feels good, Brittany. My back is killing me after sitting in this van for hours. I’m used to working on the farm all day.”
    “That’s why you have these huge muscles.” Brittany moved her hands up and down his biceps.  
    The scene was making me ill. I turned to look out the window. I was no longer interested in the road game.
    “Erik, get off at the next exit,” Jack instructed from the back of the van. “We’ll get some gas and see if they have a pay phone. We’re getting close to San Francisco. I need to call Paul and get directions to his place.”
    “Do they even have pay phones anymore?” I heard Colin ask Jack.
    “Of course they do.” Jack sounded annoyed. “You kids and your dependence on cell phones.” We all started to laugh. “It’s not funny. You’re all too dependent on technology.”
    “Calm down there, old man,” Erik yelled back at him. “Remember, you’ve got two technologically-advanced people up here. We could take offense to that.”
    “What do I always say about technology, Erik?” Jack yelled back.  
    “Just because you CAN do something doesn’t mean you SHOULD,” Erik answered as if he’d heard it a thousand times.
    Erik drove into a gas station that looked like it was built in the fifties. And sure enough, right in front of the station was a public telephone.  
    “Look at that! It has a cord and everything,” Erik kidded. “It should be in a museum. Wish I had the camera.”
    “Pump the gas, son,” Jack said, shaking his head.  
    Everyone got out of the van while Jack went to use the phone. It was almost sunset. Fields of grapes surrounded us on both sides. It was quiet and peaceful. Much better than the chaos of Southern California.  
    Colin walked toward the grape fields, looking out at the setting sun. I followed him.  
    “Hey,” I said, trying to see if he would acknowledge me.
    “Yeah.” It was an acknowledgment but not a warm one.
    “You’ve been quiet for hours.”
    “I’ve been sleeping. And thinking.”
    “What about?” I knew the answer but figured I’d ask anyway.
    “Doesn’t matter.”
    “Listen. I’m sorry about what I said earlier. Can we please just talk about this?”
    Colin remained quiet as he gazed at the sunset.
    “I was just trying to protect you, Colin. I was trying to give you a normal life. I didn’t want you to give everything up for this stupid life that I’m stuck with now.” I paused. “But I realize that I can’t make that decision for you.”
    I waited. He wouldn’t respond.
    “Look at me, Colin.” I turned him toward me. “I want us to be together, okay? I do. But being with me is dangerous. So that’s why I told you to stay behind. I didn’t want you involved in this. I can’t deal with you getting hurt again. Or worse. GlobalLife almost beat you to death. They almost killed you with those drugs. And I can’t stand to think of that happening again.”
    “And how do you think I feel, Sam, knowing that they implanted this . . . this thing in you that’s programmed to kill you? Do you really think I can just go back to school? Back to basketball practice? Hang out with the guys, knowing that you’re gonna die soon? How could you even think I’m that type of person? After all these years? After all I’ve done for you?”
    I was sure my speech would end with hugs and forgiveness. Instead, it ended with silence and no resolution. Colin walked back to the van. I was left alone, afraid that nothing I could say would ever fix this. I’d pushed him away in the past but this was too far. I’d said too much. I’d described a future without him in it. And Colin had had enough.  


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