Master of Seduction

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Book: Master of Seduction by Kinley MacGregor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kinley MacGregor
to get, Lorelei retreated slightly. “You realize, of course, there were other ways to get his attention.”
    “True, I could have killed one of his sons.”
    He said it so matter-of-factly that it stunned her. “Then why didn’t you?”
    “It didn’t suit my purposes.”
    She rolled her eyes at his redundancy.
    The pirate moved to stand before her. Even though there was still a coldness between them, she could sense his desire for her. It was a desire she had felt since the moment of their first meeting and suddenly she understood.
    “Is seducing me part of your revenge? That is what this elaborate abduction is about, isn’t it? You could have taken Justin as easily as you took me and Lord Wallingford would still have come after you. But you didn’t take him.”
    He nodded. “You’re very astute.”
    She didn’t know why, but his answer disappointed her. And it made her angry. “You’re wasting your time, you know.”
    “Am I?”
    “Yes. I love Justin.”
    “Love,” he sneered. “Love is nothing more than the lie men invented to woo women to their beds without guilt.”
    “Do you honestly believe that?”
    “Believe it? I know it to be true.”
    “Then more’s the pity for you. A life without love is an empty one.”
    “A life without love is a happy one.”
    Heaven above, but he was dense. Or was he merely doing it to perturb her?
    “You’ve never once known the thrill of being in love?” Lorelei asked. “Never felt your heart quicken when someone special approached you? Longed to spend every moment of every day with one person?”
    “That’s called lust.”
    “It’s called love.”
    “Then yes, I’ve been in love countless times. In fact, I’m in love right now. For all I can think of is holding your naked body against mine, of tasting—”
    “That’s not what I meant,” she said between clenched teeth as heat stole across her face.
    “It’s what you said.”
    Flustered, she drew a deep breath to settle the vexing anger he provoked.
    His look deepened as he cupped her cheek in the palm of his hand and stroked her chin with his thumb. His touch burned her, and it took all her strength not to turn her face in his hand and taste the flesh of that palm.
    Oh, but his touch was warm and magical and…Inviting.
    And she wanted to accept that invitation, she realized with a start.
    He pulled her against his hard chest and captured her with one arm about her waist. “I could show you delights you’ve never before conceived, my sweet. Not once in all the times you and your girlfriends giggled together did you ever imagine what I can give you.”
    Wicked desire swirled in her stomach and a part of her begged for him to educate her. What would it be like to hold a man so handsome? So dangerous?
    One whose touch filled her with such white-hot desire.
    This was madness, and well she knew it. She was spoken for and he was an outlaw. A wanted man whose life would be forfeit the moment she was rescued.
    No matter what her body thought, she was a creature of logic and logic dictated that she keep a goodly distance between them.
    “The world will surely come to an end before I allow that to happen. The only thing I crave from you is your absence.”
    He inclined his head in mock sadness. “And that is the one thing I refuse to give you.”
    “Then you are in for a great disappointment.”
    Humor danced in his eyes. “You think so?”
    “I know so.”
    “Now who is the one so cocky?” he asked.
    “It’s still you. I merely know the facts.”
    He laughed. “As do I, and the facts clearly state that no woman can resist me. Not for long anyway.”
    What arrogance, she thought, seething at him. He had to be the most conceited man to ever draw breath. And if there was one thing she hated, it was that type of cocksure attitude.
    Well, it was time someone taught Black Jack Rhys a lesson in manners. Time someone showed him he was not the end-all, be-all of masculinity.
    And she was certainly up to

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