The Cowbear's Curvy Valentine (Curvy Bear Ranch 5)
from the trial?” he asked.
    “I’ll keep telling you this until you believe me—it wasn’t your fault,” he said.
    “Intellectually, I understand what you’re saying. But emotionally, I still feel responsible.”
    He sighed and pulled her into his arms. After kissing her forehead, he rubbed his hand across her back. She snuggled against him, grateful that he was so understanding. He was one of the few people in the world that didn’t blame her for losing the trial. A part of her never wanted to leave the room. If she could find a way to stay with him, locked away from the pressure of returning to Dallas, she’d take it.

    Chapter 7
    Cody yawned and patted the bed beside him, searching for Abby’s curvy form. He’d slept like he’d been hibernating, so he wasn’t quite ready to open his eyes. But when he didn’t find her, he relented and forced one bleary eye open. He turned his head to one side, the side she should have been lying on. When he didn’t see her curvy little butt, he rolled from his belly onto his side.
    “Abby,” he called softly. “Where are you, honey?”
    When she didn’t respond, he groaned and slid to the edge of the bed. He stood on wobbly knees. After finally convincing her that the trial verdict wasn’t her fault, he’d made love to her for hours. If would be a wonder if he could walk today, but it was totally worth it.
    He padded to the bathroom.
    “Abby, are you in here?” he asked.
    Again, no response. That was weird. Maybe she’d gone down for breakfast.
    He returned to the bedroom and picked his clothes up off the floor. As he dressed, he couldn’t stop picturing the expression of total ecstasy on her face as she trembled beneath him. He couldn’t wait to have her tight little body wrapped around his again. Even his bear couldn’t sit still while he tried to put his socks on.
    Calm down, bear, he chided. We’ll find her in a minute. She’s probably in the kitchen.
    Our mate’s in the kitchen?
    Wait, what? No! Did the creature actually think Abby was their mate?
    She’s not in the kitchen? his bear asked.
    No, she’s not our mate.
    Yes she is, his bear snapped.
    That’s impossible. Sure, she’s hotter than the Minerva Terraces, but she’s not our mate.
    His bear growled in dissent. Why was the creature so convinced that Abby was their mate? It didn’t make sense. Mating with a pure human wasn’t something he wanted. During the few times he’d dreamed about having a mate, he’d always pictured her as a bear shifter.
    Besides, Abby was very clear about her intentions. She’d set down firm rules that he intended to follow. This was a no-strings-attached relationship. Sex only.
    A rumble in his chest indicated his bear’s annoyance. He wasn’t sure how to convince his bear that he was wrong, but he’d worry about that later. Right now, he wanted to find Abby and drag her perky butt back to bed.
    He hurried into the bathroom and took in his disheveled appearance. Oh, boy. Madison was going to kick his ass when she saw him. Eh, she’ll get over it.
    After taking the stairs two at a time, he trotted into the kitchen. Madison sat at the small table and stared out at the snowy landscape. When he entered the room, she turned to him. Her eyes flashed as she gave him an up and down look.
    “Doing the walk of shame?” Madison asked with a smirk.
    He coughed. “Uh, have you seen Abby?”
    “Maybe. Are you going to tell me what happened between you two last night?” Madison asked.
    “I didn’t think so, but it was worth a shot. We need some gossip around here. It’s so dull without a house full of guests.”
    “Don’t worry, spring’s coming. I’m sure you’ll wish you had more free time in a few months,” he said.
    “In a few months, I won’t have any free time for eighteen years.” She rubbed her belly.
    “Good point.” He chuckled.
    “Abby seemed upset when she came down this morning. Did you two have a fight?”

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