Scarlett's Letter (Touched by a God #1)

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Book: Scarlett's Letter (Touched by a God #1) by Ellie Keys Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellie Keys
she felt about all that she had learned.  Today, she would focus on her friends and nothing, absolutely nothing more.

Trust None (6)
    Present day, a cliff: Hades
    Hades stood before a cliff with one of the Judges looking into his eyes as he dangled the man off the edge.  He held him by his throat and was just about ready to drop the pompous pipsqueak that he had a tight grip upon.  The fall and cracking of his skull wouldn’t kill the idiot.  Hades would feel a twisted yet morbid kind of satisfaction knowing that it was going to take the lesser powered deity time to reconnect and grow the bones and tissue back.  He’d actually wanted to gut the self important being before him, but Hermes wouldn’t allow it.  The other god said something about Minos enjoying the gutting versus suffering the way that Hades wanted him to suffer. 
    He’d just been informed by one of his underlings that Minos was the reason behind Rouge being able to leave his side early.  Hence the ass kicking the god received and the reason he was dangling from Hades outstretched arm.  The simpleton actually looked like he was enjoying the thrashing that he received. 
    “If you’re wondering why I’m suddenly giddy, I’ll fill you in.  Your brother put out a decree that effective immediately, if you were to attack another god then you were to be brought before him.  He stated that he was tired of having to deal with your temper and your antics.  You are set to be judged by a jury of your peers and I get to be ringleader.”
    The pitiful little god actually believed that he had a one up on him.  Did no one understand how things worked with the three siblings?  No. No one did.  Poor little gods sitting on Mount Olympus just didn’t get that the three brothers had actually chosen their lot.  They were the three most powerful entities out of all of their brethren.  None compared to them.  When they drew the lot that they would govern, the realm he ruled was the one that was chosen.  The three tended not to interfere in the other’s inner workings of their realm.  If Zeus said that he would “punish” Hades then it would involve coming down from his lofty perch and hounding Hades for a day or two.  The gift of Zeus’ company would irk him to no end.  Zeus would do that every decade or so.  The timing of the decree fit right in with the standard visit.
    “Oh, you sad, embarrassing little bootlicker with an ass for a face, I’ll allow you another moment or two of gloating before I send you to the depths of Tarturus,” Hades lifted the man so that his face was inches away from his own and allowed his eyes to go black then fill with the flames of his ability. Minos’ eyes widened with fear.  “I will enjoy every moment of your screams.  I do believe it is Cerberus’ meal time.  Philenon and Carnus will take pleasure in performing the duties to complete the plans that I have for you.  I believe that judgment day in question will be the perfect time for you to be released.  All of your peers will look upon your countenance and see that I have NO FEAR OF MY BROTHER!”
    With that statement, he hurled Minos off the cliff and toward the spikiest ridge where the god was sure to be impaled in several different parts of his body. 
    “Don’t know if he is going to enjoy having his balls splintered by that rock but at least now he can’t say that his asshole has never been breached,” he heard Hermes say from his left.
    When he looked at the jovial features of his nephew and one of the few gods that he enjoyed spending time with, he couldn’t help but feel some of his anger subside.  He admitted to himself that the thought of Minos being split open from the rear was an added bonus and was going to bring him a modicum of contentment every time it floated through his mind. 
    “When all is said and done, Minos won’t be able to claim that he hasn’t experienced a bunch of shit.  Some days I really

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