Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7)

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Book: Lingerie and Lariats (Rough & Ready#7) by Cheyenne McCray Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cheyenne McCray
called,” Dan said. “I’m looking for Renee. It’s important.”
    “That’s why I called you,” Zane said. “I think something’s wrong. She called me from a bank in Nogales—sounded like she’s in trouble. I’m on my way to pick her up. Got a flat tire outside of Patagonia and have no way to call her to let her know I’m going to be late.”
    More prickles went down Dan’s spine. “I’m in my office in Nogales now. Where is she?”
    Zane gave Dan the name of the bank and Dan said he’d be there within ten minutes. “You head on home and I’ll take care of it,” he said.
    “I can still make it out there,” Zane said, “if you’d like me to take her back to the ranch.”
    “I’ll make sure she’s taken care of.” Dan disconnected the call with Zane, rushed through the office, and headed outside to where his SUV was parked. In moments he was in it and headed toward the bank.
    Renee was standing in the parking lot. She looked pale and she was rubbing her arms with her hands as if she was cold, even though it was close to a hundred degrees out. She didn’t notice him until he pulled into the parking lot.
    He parked and jumped out of the SUV. Renee ran toward him and he took her into his arms and held her close.
    “Are you all right, honey?” he asked her and then realized she was sobbing against his chest.
    “I’m fine.” She drew away, her cinnamon eyes brimming with tears. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t be crying on your shoulder.”
    “Hey.” He cupped her chin and noticed the side of her face was bruised. “You can cry on my shoulder any time, okay?”
    “I’m glad to see you,” she said. “How did you know I’m here?”
    “Zane called,” Dan said. “He got a flat tire on the way here. I told him I’d come to get you instead and for him to head on home.”
    “Thank you.” She bit her lower lip then said, “I need you to know I didn’t send that text message.”
    “I know you didn’t.” He pushed hair out of her eyes with his fingers and he saw more of the bruise. “I never for a moment believed it was you.”
    She smiled. “Thank you for believing in me.”
    He let his expression go grim. “How did your face get bruised? That wasn’t there when I saw you yesterday.”
    She looked away. “It’s nothing.”
    “Nelson hit you,” Dan stated.
    She hesitated then nodded. “Jerry was angry because he’d caught you and me together.
    Anger boiled inside Dan and he clenched his jaw. That sonofabitch. “Where is he now?”
    Renee had a look of relief on her features. “He was just arrested.”
    Surprised at that bit of news, Dan said, “I’ll have you start at the beginning, but first I’m going to call in to the Nogales PD that Nelson hit you.” He could hear the fury in his own voice.
    Renee put her hand on his arm. “I already told them. They’re adding that to his list of charges.” She still looked pale but she was sweating beneath the summer sun.
    Dan gestured to the other side of the street. “We’ll go to that café for a late lunch and you can tell me everything.”
    “I am hungry.” She kept pace with him as they walked across the parking lot. “I haven’t had anything to eat today.”
    They crossed the street and Dan held the small café’s door open for her. They found a table in a corner and Dan sat so that he was facing the door.
    After they had ordered sandwiches, Dan folded his arms on the table and focused on Renee. “Why don’t you take it from the top?”
    She let out her breath and pushed hair from her face. “Last night when Jerry found us and took me outside I realized that I couldn’t leave him. Not yet.”
    Dan frowned. “Why not?”
    “Because as my financial advisor he had control of my money.” She clenched her fist on the tabletop. “If I had left him I’m sure he would have gone straight to the bank and cleared out my accounts this morning.”
    Dan gave a nod. “When did he hit you?”
    “Almost as soon as we got to our

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