Brazos Bride

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Book: Brazos Bride by Caroline Clemmons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Caroline Clemmons
offered, and hoped he understood the finality of the phrase.
    "Yep. Good night, Mrs. Stone." The mattress shook as he turned his back to her. She felt the soles of his feet press against her ankles. He must be several inches too long for the bed and she guessed he had to bend his legs to fit. She didn't dare turn to see firsthand.
    She lay perfectly still, afraid to take a deep breath. Soon his breathing changed and she knew he slept. Outside the open window, the town quieted and the distant tinkling of the piano was the only sound. Light from the full moon illuminated the room and slanted across the bed. A soft breeze drifted across her, lulling her in its caress.
    With a sigh, she fought to relax, but abdominal pain kept her awake no matter how her body cried for rest. Perhaps if she planned, she’d forget the pain and chills that racked her frame.
    Plan, yes. She needed a plan for food preparation when she returned to her home. No, Micah said he had a plan and had started to explain when her retching stopped him. Oh, dear, once more he took charge when it was her life, her home.
    Maybe Aunt Sofia and Tio Jorge would have left by the time she and Micah arrived and things would be fine. Already she felt more secure. She sensed her eyelids drifting closed and sleep’s blessed relief approaching. She burrowed into the pillow.
    A gunshot ripped apart the night.
    The blast startled her and she screamed as something thudded near her head, showering her hair and face with splinters. Panic immobilized her. What had happened?
    Micah dragged her onto the floor as a bullet ripped into the mattress.
    Chapter Nine
    The explosion waked Micah from a sound sleep. For a minute he thought he was back in the War. Reacting purely on instinct, Micah yanked Hope off the bed and pushed her between him and the wall.
    "You okay?" he asked.
    She pulled one arm free and brushed at her cheeks. "Just splinters I think. You?" Her body trembled.
    He rubbed a hand across his face. "I’m fine. Stay here while I see if the gunman is still around."
    In a crouch beside the bed he searched the room, waiting for another blast. Though he'd acted without conscious thought at first, the second explosion had sounded like a rifle.
    She gasped. "Maybe it was just a drunken cowboy shooting up the town."
    "A bullet fired from a pistol on the street would likely have hit the ceiling, not the bed. No, someone aimed into this room. And it sounded like a rifle to me."
    She clutched his shirt. "Then do not go out there.” Her voice filled with panic. “Whoever did this might be waiting for you to show yourself--"
    Banging on doors along the hallway interrupted her and the innkeeper called loudly, "Everyone okay up here?"
    Micah made a low dash to the door and unlocked it. Herman Stevens stood in the hall, rifle in hand and his britches' suspenders pulled over his nightshirt. His gray hair stuck out in all directions and left no doubt he'd been asleep until a few minutes ago.
    Micah pulled the man into the room. "Stevens, guard my wife. Don’t let anyone but me in, will you?" He stomped his feet into boots and shoved his pistol into his belt. "I'm going to find where that shot came from."
    Micah pulled the door closed behind him and raced along the hallway. Taking steps two at a time, he hurried down the stairs and outside. He met the sheriff on the boardwalk.
    "Aw, hell, Stone. I might of known this had something to do with you being in town. Can’t you stay out of trouble?"
    Micah walked into the street and pointed to the room above, though all appeared tranquil from here. "Two shots through that open window while my wife and I slept. Just missed both of us."
    "Heard you and the Montoya girl tied the knot today.” Ryan said as they walked to the building across the street. “Reckon someone didn't like you winning her hand?"
    "Right. Guess it could have been aimed at both of us, but my gut says they were meant for me. First shot came in and hit

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