Heart of Stone
then and train hard.”
    Simon was there to meet them when they
got home and food was already on the table. “Rest your voice Tyra,
Thex filled me in. It’s good to have a new ally we can be honest
    George joined them for the meal. He
and Simon chatted amicably for a bit on various aspects of current
politics, the economy, the environment and the general state of the
    Tyra listened with interest while she
chewed her food. Something in the food seemed to ease her throat,
no doubt some herb that Simon had added to help her.
    George gave Tyra a friendly pat on the
head. “I’ll say goodnight to you two then, catch you
    “ Goodnight”. Tyra nodded in
George’s direction as he left. “He’s staying somewhere
    “ He’s got a bachelor's pad
set up in what was the old loft above the stables out back. He
stays there when he’s up this neck of the woods. I’ll take you over
for a visit tomorrow. I’ve asked him to hang around for the next
few weeks given how edgy Steven seems. Now let’s clean up I want to
teach you a specific meditation technique and then there is another
matter that needs to be addressed”.
    Tyra raised an eyebrow, wondering what
the night held. She felt a shiver of expectation. Later, when she
noticed there was no mattress in front of the hearth she felt a
moment’s disappointment. Instead there was a large
    Simon saw her looking at it “Its made
of memory foam. You’re not used to long periods of seated
meditation so I thought this would make it easier. I brought it
back with me today.”
    Tyra beamed. “A present?” She went
over to test it out. It was indeed very comfortable, even sitting
cross legged which her body certainly wasn’t used to. “So, how do I
do this meditation stuff”.
    “ To start with just close
your eyes. Feel your breath. Follow the sensation of it flowing
into and out of your lungs. Try and breathe in through the nose if
you can and out through your mouth. Practice that for a
    He let her do that for a couple of
minutes until her breathing seemed to smooth out. “Now keep one
level of your awareness going with the breathing while at the same
time you use your mind’s eye to look at the top of your head.
Visualize a white light there and pretend that there is a small
hole forming in the top of your skull. Now start to slowly draw
that white light down through your body from top to body, missing
nothing. If you feel any tension visualise the white light
dissolving it and let the tension go. Let me know when the light
has reached the ground.”
    “ Yep, got
    “ Okay feel the white light
going into the earth. Feel that you are making a connection with
the earth as if it was an extension of your body”.
    Tyra seemed to sway almost
imperceptibly for a moment then made the connection and
    “ Now go back up to the top
of your head to the hole where the white light is coming
    “ Okay, I’m
    “ Extend your awareness out
through that hole to where the light is coming from, feel yourself
making a connection with it as if it was an extension of your own
soul’s light”.
    “ Wow, yes, got
    “ Okay, now direct the light
from above down the front of your body to the earth, filling the
earth with that light and then letting it travel back up your
spine, back out through the hole in your skull. Keep doing cycles
of that. I’m going to give you a small phrase to say in your mind
while you do this. On the in breath as you draw the white light
down mentally say ‘all’, pause while the earth fills with the white
light and think ‘am’ and finally on the out breath mentally sound
the word ‘I”. Now practise it for a few moments.”
    Simon sat down and just enjoyed the
peace radiating off Tyra as she purified her essence and
reconnected with the all-spirit. She wouldn’t know it yet but she
was also doing her bit to heal the earth as well. He

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