Venus in Love

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Book: Venus in Love by Tina Michele Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Michele
Tags: Romance, Lesbian
heart began to race.
    “Holy shit is right!” Lilly said.
    “What?” Lee snapped her voice and her eyes at Lilly.
    “That delicious little specimen is Ms. Morgan Blake, and we just had a rather lovely exchange over there near that waterfall painting,” Lilly said matter-of-factly while motioning languidly off to the side, never taking her eyes off of Morgan’s figure.
    “That “waterfall painting” is a Frederick Church, and I’m not sure you should be referring to my gallery empl—visitors as delicious specimens,” Lee clarified sternly.
    “Don’t worry, Lee darling. You’re still the most delicious of them all,” Lilly said as she eyed Lee’s body up and down.
    “That’s not…ugh…never mind. Are you ready?” Lee made her way to the door without even making sure that Lilly followed.


    Morgan exited the elevator on the third floor admin offices. The doors opened to a lushly appointed seating area flanked on opposite sides by two long hallways. A large cherry reception desk was centered with the elevators and a large picture window overlooking the National Mall and Washington Monument. To the left of the desk was a polished cherry door marked with a placard reading Director Dencourt. A young blonde with a welcoming smile looked at her from across the desk.
    “Ms. Blake, welcome.” The woman rose and rounded her desk.
    “Yes. Are you Alex?” Morgan held out her hand. “It’s great to meet you.”
    “Likewise,” Alex said. “How was your drive in?”
    “It was surprisingly quick, about three hours. I got here just before eleven, so I got a chance to see the Niagara piece by Church.”
    “I love that piece. It may be my favorite in the whole gallery. The way he captured the realism of the falls is inspiring. Sometimes when I look at it, I can imagine I hear the roar of the water.”
    “Perfectly said, Ms. Canton,” Morgan enjoyed hearing others speak about art. She was always intrigued by the words they chose to describe different pieces.
    “I was thinking that we could start with a tour of the gallery floors, and I’ll show you the Preservation Department and introduce you to Rita Niccolo, the assistant curator, and a few of our collections staff members.”
    “Oh, sure.” Morgan assumed that the previous interview was running over and this was a way to buy some time.


    Lee sat at lunch only half listening to anything Lilly was saying. She thought she was an adequate attorney but had little use for her in general. Even more so after the inconsiderate chauvinism she displayed toward Morgan. Lee wanted to be anywhere else.
    “Why so quiet, gorgeous?” Lilly winked.
    “Lilly, this is a business meeting. I don’t think such comments are appropriate in this setting.”
    “Well, darling, something appears to have crawled up your ass.”
    “Nothing is in my ass, and if we’re about through, I really should be getting back to the office.”
    “I thought you weren’t working in the office today. I was sort of hoping we could continue our lunch someplace…quieter,” Lilly suggested.
    Lee sighed. “Lilly, stop. You’re the corporate attorney. This is a business lunch to discuss the new contract, and even if it weren’t, there would be no reason to be here together or continue it elsewhere.”
    This wasn’t the first time Lee expressed her disinterest in Lilly’s sexual advances. She was growing tired of the frequency of the subject.
    Lilly swirled her wine. “Lee, I’m attracted to you. We’re both available. What would be the harm in exploring the possibility?”
    “I am not available. I have a gallery to run and a major position that needs to be filled. I don’t have the time that a relationship would require.” Lee tried a more sensitive approach.
    Lilly laughed. “I wasn’t talking about a relationship. Just some…fun.”
    “Ugh,” Lee grunted. Clearly, Lilly wasn’t getting it. Lee raised her hand to the waiter and motioned for the check. She needed to get out

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