Tribute for the Viking (reluctant gay erotica)
thought, like
sailing home. In the distance, he could see the shore already and smiled. It
had been a successful enough raid, collecting tribute from three ealdormen and
burning down one town that thought it could defy them.
    He glanced at their Saxon passengers. He
hadn’t counted on bringing back slaves, but most of them looked strong enough
to fetch a decent price. His Jarl would be pleased with that. And as for the
slender youth who had insisted that he was a man, well, Bjarni had use for him.
    He could use a new thrall in the home he
lived in with his wife Dagmaer. There was plenty of work to be done in the
house and on the land. And with a face as pretty as any maid’s, Bjarni
definitely had use for him in bed. Dagmaer wouldn’t allow female concubines
into their home, too worried they would bear him children before she could, but
she wouldn’t say no to a male one.
    The new thrall had already shown spirit,
and Bjarni looked forward to the struggle that would no doubt ensue when he
realised what exactly Bjarni was going to do with him. He felt his cock stir at
the thought of wrestling the youth under him, straining against Bjarni’s tight
grip. He could imagine the anxiety in those bright blue eyes, the desperate
pants coming from those full lips.
    Oh yes, Bjarni could definitely imagine
that mouth wrapped around his cock, those blue eyes staring up at him as Bjarni
held him, a tight fist in those curls to keep him in his place as Bjarni fucked
his mouth. Once he was satisfied, he would remove his cock and let his seed
mark the smaller man’s blushing cheeks, claiming him as his own.
    His cock was straining against the
leather of his trousers now, his fevered thoughts running wild as he wondered
what the younger man would look like naked, kneeling down before him and about
to take his cock up his arse. Trembling and nervous, or as stubbornly defiant
as this afternoon? He couldn’t wait to find out, but Bjarni forced himself to
think of different things. It wouldn’t do for his friends to see him like this.
They would assume he had missed his wife, but it would still be embarrassing.
As the leader of this raid, he was supposed to have some self-control.
    Focusing on other, more important
manners, Bjarni willed his erection away. A few nights with his wife to deal
with his immediate lusts, and he would be ready to tame his new Saxon thrall.
    Eadwulf worried when the other nine
villagers were led away to the Jarl while his leash was grabbed by the vicious
Viking leader. “Where are they going?” he asked.
    “To the Jarl. He will inspect them
before they are sold,” he told Eadwulf, tugging firmly on the leash to make
Eadwulf follow him.
    “Don’t I need to be inspected?” he
asked, nearly tripping from the sheer force. Not that he wanted to be inspected
and sold, but he felt safer with the others. They were the only thing to remind
him of home, and now he was separated from them. “I’m not sick, I promise.”
    “You do not need to be inspected because
you will not be sold, little one.” The Viking smirked at him from over his
shoulder. “Because you are mine.”
    Eadwulf stopped walking. “What?” he
asked. Why would this man want him as a slave? Another vicious tug, the rope
chafing roughly against his skin, made Eadwulf break into a brief run to catch
up. “What will my duties be?” He suddenly had a panicked thought. What if these
barbarians practised human sacrifice? They didn’t believe in God, Eadwulf knew
that. And they relished in killing. Perhaps the leader was going to sacrifice
him to thank their gods for a safe journey.
    “You will find out soon enough, little
one,” the Viking told him, striding ahead down the path. He was leading Eadwulf
away from the small harbour.
    Again with the little. “I’m not that
small,” he huffed. “And my name is Eadwulf.”
    This time, the Viking stopped. Eadwulf
walked into him and would’ve fallen if the Viking hadn’t grabbed hold of

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