Crazy For You
“Why didn’t you tell me you could write?”
    Astonishment warmed her face.
    “I’m serious. This—” He acknowledged the papers. “Is
what you were born to do.”
    “Don’t joke with me about this, Frankie.”
    By now, she should know him well enough to know he
never paid a false compliment just to win a few points. He simply
didn’t care that much about flattering people. On the rare occasion
that he did pay a compliment—well, one could trust it was
    Frank and Roxanne went out to buy a typewriter and
the necessary materials she’d need to start typing her book. He
offered assistance at every opportunity, encouraging her to
complete her story.
    She found his support motivating. And now, they
often discussed Ben and Cherie openly and he tried his damnedest to
help her with any scenarios she threw at him.
    Frank wasn’t surprised when he found out Roxanne’s
birthday fell on Valentine’s Day. It suited her.
    On this particular birthday, her twentieth, Frank’s
job was to get her down to Rich’s room, but he was finding the task
harder than he’d anticipated.
    “I don’t want to go down there,” she said. “I just
want to spend what little time we have left…alone…before you have
to go to the club.”
    “Just five minutes. Rich has a present for you.” He
enticed her with the implication that he was giving away some
carefully guarded secret.
    After that, she willingly followed him.
    Frank tapped on the door and it opened instantly
into darkness.
    “Hi, Roxie,” Rich’s voice greeted her. He reached
out from the shadows and pulled her inside.
    “Does the word electricity mean anything to you?”
she spoke softly, straining to see anything inside the room.
    Tiny lights flickered on the far side of the room,
and it took her a second to realize that candles were feeding the
flames. Finally, Roxanne’s eyes adjusted enough to see Candy
holding a birthday cake.
    “Happy Birthday, Roxie!” everyone chimed in
    Frank switched on the lights and instantly the party
came into clear view.
    “Happy birthday.” Rich smiled and gave Roxanne a
friendly hug followed by a kiss on the cheek. “I just wanted to
tell you—” He leaned back enough to gaze into her eyes. “I think
you’re probably the best person I know.” He laughed softly. “Aside
from me, of course.”
    “Hey...” Frank pushed himself between them. “You
trying to steal my woman?” His words bubbled over with
    “If I thought you’d let me,” Rich joked.
    Glen lay sprawled out on the floor near the
bathroom. Obviously wasted. Again. He was singing some muffled song
that no one could quite make out.
    Frank shook his head at his friend, saddened by the
sight but knowing Glen had his reasons. Things weren’t as they
seemed, and he knew Glen was trying to forget that. Somewhere along
the way Glen had gone too far though, and lost touch with
    Frank wasn’t self-righteous by any means. If someone
wanted to burn a joint, or do a line…well, he’d be first in line.
But he also knew where to draw the line.
    He saw nothing wrong with catching a buzz, but he
didn’t see any sense in losing touch with reality, either. Frank
had to remain in control at all times. That didn’t leave much room
for drugs in his world.
    He grabbed Roxanne’s hand and tugged her toward the
door. “Let’s get out of here.”
    Quietly, they wandered outside, and it didn’t appear
that anyone noticed their departure. If they did, they didn’t try
to stop them.
    “I got you a present,” he said, as they strolled
toward their room.
    “You did?”
    “Yes. Come and see.” He quickened their pace.
    He’d hidden it under the bed, and Roxanne wondered
how long it’d been there.
    “I looked and looked...” He offered the gift-wrapped
package to her. “And someone told me this was the perfect gift for
a writer.” Frank smiled, proud of himself.
    Eagerly, Roxanne tore off the wrapping. Upon seeing
the leather bound

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