1953 - I'll Bury My Dead

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Book: 1953 - I'll Bury My Dead by James Hadley Chase Read Free Book Online
Authors: James Hadley Chase
throw a fit if I tell them you want the hospital named after you.’
    ‘Then don’t tell them until this has blown over. It’ll blow over in a few weeks.’
    ‘But they’ve called a meeting next week to choose a name for the hospital.’
    ‘Tell them to postpone the meeting,’ English said, and reached for his wineglass. ‘This is damned good claret. You should try it instead of drinking Scotch at every meal.’
    ‘Never mind the claret,’ Beaumont said, shifting uneasily on his chair. ‘The meeting can’t be postponed. You know that as well as I do.’
    ‘It’s going to be postponed,’ English said. ‘Who built the hospital? Who financed it? What do you mean - the meeting can’t be postponed? I say it’s going to be postponed, and you can tell them I said so!’
    Beaumont ran his finger around his collar.
    ‘Now look, Nick, you can’t treat the commission like that. They’ve called the meeting, and you can’t do anything about it. You can’t treat them like a bunch of schoolboys. Why, damn it! They’re the most important and influential people in this city.’
    English grinned.
    ‘Are they? That’s very funny. Then why couldn’t they finance the hospital? Why did they have to come to me? Important? Don’t make me laugh! They’re a bunch of stuffed shirts. Now listen to me, Beaumont, you are going to see Rees and tell him to call the meeting off. Tell him I said so. If he tries to kick, tell him I’ll withdraw my support. See how he likes that. He’s in this up to his neck, and so are the rest of them. They are committed up to a million and a half dollars. Where’s the money coming from without my guarantee? Let them work that out. Do you think the banks would advance all that dough on the security that bunch of dumb clucks can offer? Not damned likely! The meeting is to be postponed until I say it can go ahead. Do you understand?’
    The senator started to say something, then caught the look in English’s eyes. He lifted his shoulders in a despairing shrug.
    ‘Well, all right, I’ll see what I can do, but I warn you, Nick, they won’t like it.’
    English laughed.
    ‘Do you think I care what those deadbeats like or dislike? To hell with them!’
    ‘Now look, Nick,’ Beaumont said, leaning forward. ‘I know you’re flying high, and I admire you for it. I’m flying high myself. I know you’re not going to stop at this hospital business. You have other ideas. You’re going to make Essex City remember you. I’ve been watching you for a long time now, and I’m getting to know your methods. There’s the Westside bridge project you have your eyes on, and if I remember rightly, you’ve been thinking about building an opera house. Well, okay. A hospital, a bridge and an opera house is pretty good going for one man, but the commission won’t like it. They’ve lived here a damn sight longer than you have. Their fathers, their grandfathers and their great grandfathers were here long before you were ever thought of. Money isn’t everything. In this straight-laced city a sound reputation is more important than money, and scandal is as lethal as poison gas to anyone who gets into the limelight. Up to now, you’ve got by, but watch out. Rees, the D.A. and the commission hate your guts. If they can pin anything on you, they will, and if they do, bang will go your hospital, your bridge and your opera house.’
English pushed aside his plate, and took out his cigar case. He offered it to Beaumont.
    ‘Don’t worry about me, Beaumont,’ he said quietly, ‘I’m big enough to look after myself.’
    ‘Maybe you are, but I’m hooked up with you, and if anything happens to you, it’ll automatically happen to me,’ Beaumont said gravely. ‘I can’t afford to stick my neck out, even if you can.’
    ‘What’s the matter with you - cold feet?
    Beaumont shrugged.
    ‘Call it what you like. I’ve got to be careful. Are you sure you’ve taken care of this suicide business?’

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