Red Dog: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 6)

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Book: Red Dog: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Evil Dead MC Series Book 6) by Nicole James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole James
Dog’s body like a jolt of electricity, and his jaw clenched as he grit his teeth. “She with someone?”
    “I think she’s out with some chicks. Ones I’ve never seen before. If you’re asking if there’s a guy, don’t see one. But that won’t last long. She’s definitely attracting attention.”
    Dog growled into the phone, “Get her the hell out of there and take her back home.”
    “You do realize that requires me puttin’ her on the back of my bike, right?”
    “Yeah, I know that. You fuckin’ touch her, you’re dead.”
    “Brother, I may have to carry her out of here, that’s gonna require some touchin’.” Dog could hear the grin in Shane’s voice. The motherfucker was enjoying this. So were his brothers, judging by the snickering they emitted along with shoulders shaking.
    “Just fuckin’ get her home.” Dog disconnected the call, shoving his phone in his pocket.
    “Trouble in paradise?” Cole asked with a grin.
    Green guffawed at that. “Paradise? Only paradise Dog’s ever gonna see is the Paradise Motel, and there ain’t gonna be no seventy-two virgins waitin’ for him either.”
    The guys chuckled.
    “Shut the fuck up, Green,” Red Dog snapped. “Like you’d know a virgin if she sat on your face.”
    “I had me one, once,” Green insisted, feeling the need to set the record straight. “Wasn’t all its cracked up to be.”
    “I’m sure she felt the same way about you, Green,” Wolf teased.
    Cole looked over at Red Dog in all seriousness. “You do something to piss off your ol’ lady?”
    “Fuck if I know. I’m sure she’ll goddamn tell me when I get home.”
    Wolf chuckled. “Maybe we should stop off and get you a mouth-guard. Wouldn’t want her to mess up all that dental work again.”
    Dog made to lunge at Wolf, but Cole pushed him back with a fist to his chest, laughing. “Let it go, Dog. He won’t stop ‘till you do.”
    “He’ll stop quick enough with my fist in his mouth.”
    “Gotta catch me first, bro.” Wolf made a kissy face at Dog as he fired his bike up and tore off down the road.
    “Let’s roll,” Cole ordered and they mounted up and followed the trail of dust Wolf left in his wake.

    Shane stood outside the bar, the neon reflecting on his blond hair. He squinted into the distance, taking in the lights of the strip, his phone to his ear. His boots crunched on the gravel as he paced next to his bike, Red Dog’s last words coming through loud and clear from 300 miles away.
    Jamming his phone back in his hip pocket, he headed back inside the nightclub and made his way through the crowd, cutting a path to where Mary sat at the bar. She hadn’t spotted him earlier, so he could only imagine what her reaction would be when her eyes landed on his Evil Dead cut.
    He pushed between her barstool and the guy next to her. Her attention was turned to the girlfriend sitting on her other side—one Shane was pretty sure she’d probably come with—so she didn’t see him approach.
    Mary was a petite Asian beauty with porcelain skin and dark glossy hair that hung to her waist. It was currently pulled to the side, revealing her low-back dress.
    “You lookin’ for a date, sugar?” he growled low in her ear. That pretty back went ramrod straight as she perhaps recognized his voice. Twisting with the cocktail in her hand, her red nails flashing against the sparkle of the delicate martini glass, her almond shaped eyes hit his leather vest first and then got huge as they made their way up to his face. Her lips parted with a holy-crap expression.
    “Hey, Mary.” He grinned back at her, a cat-that-caught-the-canary look on his own face.
    “Shane,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?” Her eyes moved past him, searching the crowd for more Evil Dead members. Finding none, her eyes returned to him, and her body relaxed.
    “Seems I could ask you the same question.”
    “I’m having a drink. Is that against the

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