help. Do you understand the difference?”
“Do you have anything to write with?” He cocked his shaved head in confusion , but didn’t question as he handed over a pen from his breast pocket and another of his cards. Connor wrote down his m om’s home phone number and Jack ’ s for the time being . Connor explained as he handed him back the number s and the pen “This is my m om’s number and this is my in-laws. Please call either of these numbers if you have need of me .” Mrs. Burrow w as now standing and listening in on their conversation. He peered at the numbers before putting it back in his wallet, but he put it in a different leather slide.
Mrs. Burrow asked Connor politely “What would he need to call you for , Honey ?”
Through the bond Connor felt Sarah ’s approach, but he didn’t bother to look in her direction as he held the deputy’s wife’s eyes . S he stepped back involuntarily from under his direct stare . “I’m a tracker and an outdoorsman , have been for longer than I can remember .” Connor turned his head to look at the older friend. “If anyone goes ever goes missing or goes camping and winds up lost , don’t hesitate to call on me for help . I’ll hunt anyone down and bring them back . ”
Deputy Burrow had his prideful smile back on again. “Are you any good?”
“You bet he is!” Sarah said and as Connor turned to look at her his heart about blew through his chest. T he impact with his ribs should have made an audible thud. “I wound up lost out in the woods several months ago because I didn’t know the area and night fell before I realized my situation . Connor tracked me down without any moonlight or any flashlights for that matter. I can say honestly that there isn’t anyone better if someone ends up lost .”
“Thank you Mrs. May. That is all I need ed to hear.” Both him self and the deputy stood. As he shook Connor’s hand goodbye he spoke carefree, but his eyes said otherwise . “Keep in touch and don’t forget to call .”
“Same goes to you.” And he snickered as he walked away.
“What was that all about ?” Sarah caught Connor’s attention again.
“Mr. V. is in prison, but Mathew got off relatively clean. Apparently the mayor can do something, but only when it involves his boy. ” Her warm face paled and became ashen. She had been afraid that something like this would happen. “Deputy Burrow said that we shouldn’t worry because he might be joining the military . Fingers crossed… He said that if anything happens in self-defense , he will help us. So I wanted to repay his kindness and I said that if he needed a tracker, he could always call on me.”
“At least we have someone human also watching our backs incase an emergency arises .” The color slowly came back in her face.
“By the way… why did you pick those clothes?” He said with a wry smile.
“For some reason I favor this color now . It is like how my mother likes red beca use it is Father’s attribute…” S he left it hanging for him to fill in.
S he twirled , showing off her exquisite attributes .
“It really works for you…” His thumping pulse agreed with the sentiment.
As Sarah walked into the living room of their home, she greeted Mark and Kara warmly . When his sister stood she asked “Are you ready yet … ? Wow Sarah you look Hot! ”
“Almost and thank you for that compliment , Kara .” Sarah smiled and walked over to a box beside the front door and opened it. Without looking behind , she grabbed and tossed Tool over her shoulder with an effortless flick of her wrist and Connor caught it in midair . It slid in his belt loop , on his right hip , in one fluid motion. She then pulled out her dagger and after unclasping her belt , she slid the sheathed dagger into a secure position at her left hip. She shut the lid of the box saying “Now I’m ready.”
Mark stood and asked “So what’s the plan for today, Buddy?”
Connor took an unneeded deep