Wee Rockets

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Book: Wee Rockets by Gerard Brennan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gerard Brennan
and grasped one of his hands.
    "I'll live." Talking hurt, but he tried to hide it. "Do you have any ice?"
    "No, but there's a bag of frozen peas you can have. Joe, help me lift him onto the sofa."
    They took an arm each and Stephen did his best to push himself up on rubbery legs. They lay him face down on the sofa. Joe went to the freezer for the peas.
    "I'm so sorry, Stephen."
    "You didn't do it."
    "I know, but you were only trying to look out for me."
    "I didn't do a great job though."
    "You would have. I distracted you and that fly bastard hit you from behind. Typical. Afraid to go toe-to-toe with a real man."
    It meant a lot more to him than he would have expected that Louise thought of him as a real man. It'd been quite a while since he'd made time for a girlfriend, and he'd actually been enjoying himself earlier. Maybe a little too much, in light of his intentions. But he was sure he could keep sight of his plan. He'd gotten into Joe's home and now she'd trust him more than ever. On the downside, he had another wanker to take care of. Louise would probably thank him for getting at Dermot. With Joe, he'd have to be more subtle.
    Joe had found the peas and handed them to Louise. He hopped from foot to foot as if he needed to go for a piss. Louise planted the bag of peas on Stephen's lower back. He hissed then sighed as he got used to the chill. The pain numbed a little.
    "You should probably drink a lot of vodka," Louise said. "To help with the pain."
    "I'll maybe wait until I can sit up again."
    "Just let me know when you want me to help you move."
    Joe continued to do the need-a-piss shuffle. Louise turned to him.
    "Son, say what you want to say and quit your dancing. I'm sure you've plenty of questions. Spit them out."
    Joe stopped shifting his weight from side-to-side. He fiddled with the waistband of his hoodie instead. "Was that really my da?"
    "Yes, love."
    "Um... do you think I should phone him?"
    "I think you need to decide that for yourself. Do you want to phone him?"
    "I don't know."
    "Well, sleep on it."
    "Would you be mad if I did call him?"
    Louise lit a cigarette, hesitated, then handed it to Joe. She lit another one for herself. Joe puffed like a chimney. Stephen bit his tongue, but watching kids smoke always bugged him. He couldn't believe a mother would encourage her own child to poison himself. Even an advertisement for contraception like Joe.
    "I'd probably be a little mad, but I'd understand. If you do decide you want your father in your life, I'll still love you. But I won't sit in the same room as that shite."
    Joe went quiet. He blew a series of smoke rings, his mouth working like a goldfish's.
    "It's only half ten, son. Why don't you go see if Wee Danny is about? It'd do you good to talk to a mate."
    He didn't wait around to be asked twice. As he walked out Louise called after him.
    "Be home before twelve. I don't want to go to bed not knowing where you are tonight."
    He nodded and left. Louise turned to Stephen.
    "We have the place to ourselves for a while. Think you can sit up?"
    Stephen moved a fraction. A sharp twinge warned him to stay still. "Maybe wait another wee minute, eh?"
    "I think I might have some straws. Do you want me to make you a drink? You can sip it where you lie."
    "That's a great idea. Thanks for looking after me."
    Louise bent down and caressed his cheek. He could smell perfume off her wrist. He didn't recognise the brand. She had warm hands.
    "I wish I could do more for you, Stephen."
    "Feel free to give me a gentle massage." He smiled at her and winked.
    Louise tilted her head and an impish grin spread across her face. "Okay, big lad. And I tell you what. If you can get yourself turned around before eleven, I'll give this massage a very happy ending."
    She laughed the dirtiest laugh Stephen had ever heard. A sound he could get used to.
    Dermot Kelly tugged on his black leather driving gloves and flopped into the black C-Class Mercedes parked on the

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