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Book: Whiplash by Yvie Towers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Yvie Towers
fascinated me about him, even though he was less than deserving of my approval.  It was a strange feeling, and I was unable to make sense of it.
    Julian snapped out of his reverie at about the same time as I did.  Our eyes met for only a brief second before I diverted mine to the patterned rug the rest of the girls and I were standing on.
    “As you’ve all been told before,” he began, “you ladies are here for the leisure and enjoyment of high-status gentlemen.  As such, you’ll each be given a name.” Julian took a pause to observe the looks of confusion sweeping across all the girls’ faces.
    Vivian then retrieved a leather case from atop the mantle and handed it over to Julian.  He disengaged the locks on it and laid it open to reveal ten black, leather chokers – each adorned with a large gemstone. 
    He picked up the first choker, bejeweled with a smooth, polished, black stone.  He slid the leather between his fingers and called Number 1 over to receive it.  She walked over to him, wearing a satin black robe, and stood in front of him expectantly.  Julian spun her around to face us then he pressed on her shoulder to lower her to the ground.  Kneeling, Number 1 instinctively pulled her kinky curls aside so Julian could affix the collar around her neck.
    “Number 1, your name is Jet.  You may fall back into line.”  He held his hand out, and when Number 1 – or Jet, rather – saw it, she was unsure of what to do.  “Allow me to help you up,” Julian said. She placed her hand on top of his palm and he caught her under her elbow with his other hand, gently pulling her up to her feet.  She thanked him and then walked back to the line.
    Julian picked up the next choker.  A pale green stone was on that one and Number 2 went over to him in her matching robe and received her collar. 
    “Number 2, your name is Jade.”
    “Thank you,” she said before returning to the line.
    We continued on like that until every girl had a gem around her neck.  Numbers 1 through 8 were Jet, Jade, Opal, Coral, Amber, Emerald, Pearl, and Turquoise.  Each girl’s robe matched her gemstone perfectly, making it easier to remember the new names.  Hannah was named Crystal. I was the final girl to receive a new name… Ruby.

Chapter Five
    That next morning at dawn, my eyes opened slowly and then snapped wide as I remembered my new surroundings; the lavish bed and matching drapes… the chaise… the cherrywood chifferobe, filled with exquisite clothing.  I was trapped in a beautiful nightmare, where all the things I’d never had were laid before me for the taking. 
    Everything around me was designed to make me feel comfortable, but I’d never been more unsettled.  A shiver-inducing chill swept through my body at the thought of what I’d have to become in order to live such a life forever.  Rather than think about the loss of my pride and dignity, I buried myself deeper into my goose-down quilt and matching pillow.  The warmth was artificial and short lived.
    Not yet willing to get out of bed, I turned onto my right side toward the window.  Through a narrow gap in the curtains, I could see that the ground outside was blanketed in snow, and there were still flakes falling from the sky.  Everything looked so renewed and pure; not like me at all.  As the sun rose higher and higher in the sky, its rays were refracted in the icicles clinging to the iron bars covering my window.  A beam of light shone through the space between the drapes and landed on a pair of bare feet.
    A young dark-skinned girl, probably only about twelve years old, was sitting over in the high back chair, staring intently at me.  I sat up in the bed and looked around for something or someone to give me an indication of who she was.  When I didn’t see anything, I decided to ask her myself.  Twenty minutes later, I sat alone in my room, shocked by the information I’d received from the girl. 
    Her name was Eliza, and she was only

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