Diary of a Crush: Kiss and Make Up

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Book: Diary of a Crush: Kiss and Make Up by Sarra Manning Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sarra Manning
whole, ‘You could come along, if you want’, ‘If you’re sure you don’t mind’ crap.
    When we got to the club I forced Dylan to dance even though he protested and eventually he disappeared to get some drinks. Watching him walk back across the dancefloor, his gaze so intently on me, made my heart ache.
    ‘Being with you makes me want to cry,’ I said as he sat down next to me.
    He put an arm round me and I nuzzled my face against the cosy spot where his neck and shoulder met. ‘I’ve missed your Edieisms,’ he muttered. ‘And I’ve missed you. There’s been so many times when I wanted to ring you but you were out of bounds.’
    ‘You could have called me,’ I cried. ‘Nothing’s changed.’
    Dylan squeezed my hand. ‘Everything’s changed.’
    ‘Oh, please kiss me,’ I begged because I knew that it would make everything all right.
    I ended up sitting on Dylan’s lap with my hands in his hair and his lips on mine. It would’ve been perfect if someone hadn’t decided to chuck beer all over me. I looked up to see Veronique with an empty pint glass in her hand.
    ‘How could you?’ she screamed at Dylan. ‘With that creature!’
    I didn’t stick around. I scrambled off Dylan and nearly knocked her over in my haste to get away.
    So there I was walking the streets of Manchester, cold, wet, stinking of beer and unable to find an empty cab. Getting abducted would just about finish off a perfect evening I thought as a car drew up alongside me. It was Carter.
    ‘Get in,’ he bit out.
    ‘I’m all right,’ I mumbled.
    ‘Don’t make me get out and put you in the car, Edie.’
    I got in.
    We didn’t talk for a while. Carter was handling his gear lever very aggressively, like he wished it were my neck.
    ‘You’re unbelievable!’ he suddenly shouted. ‘What is your problem?’ I realised he must have been in the club with Veronique.
    ‘Will you stop shouting at me,’ I whispered.
    ‘You couldn’t leave him alone, could you?’ he hissed, pulling over and switching off the engine.
    ‘So? Why do you have to get involved in Veronique’s love-life?’ I said nastily. ‘I guess it’s more interesting than your own.’
    ‘What would you know about it?’
    ‘I know that you took me out and then ignored me,’ I spat at him.
    He grabbed my shoulders. ‘I took you out,’ he said slowly. ‘Then watched you leave with
    Less than half an hour ago I’d been all over Dylan but suddenly I wanted Carter to kiss me. Desperately, I closed the gap between us and pressed my lips against his. Carter tried to pull away but I wound my arms round him and he kissed me back. It was different to kissing Dylan. Carter tasted different, he held me tight like he was frightened that I’d bolt and he was the one who pulled away first. I tried to kiss him again but he held me off.
    ‘You should have a government health warning stamped on your head,’ he told me before starting the car.
9th March
    I must have texted Dylan like fifty times in the last three days and he hasn’t replied to any of them. Which, I guess, is his little way of telling me that he got back together with Veronique.
    I might’ve phoned Carter if I’d had his number. Or maybe I wouldn’t. I’m not quite sure what’s going on there. I mean, if the Dylan thing was never, ever going to happen, then I’d probably be in the market for a new boyfriend but I’m not really sure if Carter would be my first choice. Or my second. Or even my third. But the Dylan thing was kind of happening again. And I’m not even sure that I
Carter or that he likes me. All I am sure of is that he’s a really good kisser.
15th March
    So, last night I was sure I heard a phone ringing but I thought it was part of my dream where I was helping my dad save the world from a terrorist threat. But when I woke up this morning, there was this long, rambly and, quite frankly, deeply disturbing message from Dylan on my voicemail. Time of call: 3.57 in the

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