Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3)

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Book: Landon's Desire (Book Three of The Pulse Series 3) by Jennifer Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jennifer Rose
were born with a toolbox in hand and a knowledge of how to repair all things broken. Carl’s old man was a rich lawyer, he could afford a repairman, and therefore he instilled the ability to dial a phone on his son, rather than do-it-yourself tutorials.
    Now Carl was left with asking for help. Landon would never let him live this down, he was going to be a laughing stalk for years to come, but he had no choice. He needed a shower. He had a doctor’s appointment and wasn’t going to it smelling the way he did after his stellar workout.
    He sent a text, feeling like a fool, not relishing talking to the man he wouldn’t open his door to less than twelve hours ago.
    Landon knocked at Carl’s apartment door, resting against the frame and waiting after being summoned by Carl to adjust the pre-set temperature settings on the shower. Carl was admittedly not a toolbox friendly kind of guy. Landon wasn’t even sure if Carl knew which end of a hammer to use, much less anything to do with plumbing. Whereas Landon had been essentially born with a unique knowledge of tools and could repair just about anything. He was a hands-on guy.
    Carl was wrapped in a white plush terry towel robe, his hands tucked in the pockets and his feet bare. The slightest hint of hair peeked out at his chest, a smattering of fluff on his legs, not too much just enough to entice, made Landon lick his lips. Landon couldn’t help but stare, his eyes roved up from Carl’s toes to his handsome face and their eyes collided. To his surprise Carl didn’t look away, his gaze set on Landon, there was even a hint of a smile.
    Stepping closer testing the waters, Landon swallowed back the urge to dart forward and rip the robe from Carl’s body. Instead, he circled around him like a lion prowling his kill. Standing at his back he leaned forward and scented him, he smelled of manly perspiration and oranges.
    “Uh huh.”
    “Are you sniffing me?”
    “You smell like an orange.”
    “It’s Bergamot oil, it’s a neuro-tonic, helps fight depression, fatigue and frustration,” Carl said, with a laugh.
    Carl wasn’t bolting, wasn’t moving at all and Landon couldn’t resist asking, “Does that include sexual frustration?”
    “It may, it has many valuable properties.”
    Landon continued his slow quest until he stood face to face with Carl. He lifted his hand to the lapel of Carl’s robe and ran his finger down to the loop at his waist. He gave it a tug and Carl’s eyes dropped to Landon’s hand and darted back to his face.
    “You’re not running.”
    “No, I guess I’m not.”
    Landon smiled.
    “Do you like games Carl?” Landon asked, moving into Carl’s most private space, noting Carl swallowing hard.
    “It depends on the game,” Carl answered.
    “Do you like to try new things, are you the adventurous type?”
    “I don’t know,” he answered truthfully. “Maybe…?”
    “That’s not an answer,” Landon said, leaning into Carl’s ear. “You want to play a game with me, Carlton?”
    “I don’t know.”
    “Again, that’s not an answer,” Landon said, the corner of his mouth connecting with the lobe of Carl’s ear causing him to flinch. “If I promise to keep my dick in my pants, will you play my game?”
    “Ace, what are you doing?” Carl asked, as a rush of hot air from Landon’s breath collided with the flesh under his ear, sending a spark reeling from his head to his toes.
    “This is a game of trust,” he whispered. “I think you’ll like this game as much as I will, there are a few rules though.”
    “Rules? What kind of rules? I’m not going to be happy am I? You’re going to fuck with me aren’t you?” Carl asked, full of cynicism.
    “Relax, Babes, I’d never hurt you, I want you to trust me,” Landon pulled back to see trepidation on Carl’s face. “Don’t fear me, just feel.”
    “Before I give an answer tell me these rules.”
    Landon smiled, happy that Carl wasn’t pushing him away, that maybe

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