The Cowboy's Triplets

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Book: The Cowboy's Triplets by Tina Leonard Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tina Leonard
sighed, rolling his eyes, which for some reason, seemed to force his youngest brother to a decision.
    â€œI’m going to marry—” Sam gulped. “I thought I might ask Madame Vivant, er, Sabrina. It was love at first sight,” he finished with a flourish.
    The van went as silent as a coffin.
    â€œReally?” Fiona asked. “Have you even talked to her, Sam? I thought she’d left town.”
    â€œNo.” He shook his head. “She was at Bode Jenkins’s last night.”
    Now everyone stared at Sam.
    â€œAnd you know this how?” Jonas asked. “I was up quite a bit north of here following their train, so I’m not sure how she could have been at Bode’s.”
    â€œOh, she was.” Sam nodded enthusiastically. “I saw her go in, and when she left, I went out and talked to her.”
    Pete noticed Jonas getting real red around his fancy church-shirt collar. “I thought you were in the bunkhouse with us.”
    â€œI went out to check on the horses. Thought I heard something, got worried about wolves.” Sam grinned. “And there she was, like Little Bo Peep who’d lost her way.”
    â€œSheep, she’s supposed to lose sheep,” Pete said, not sure if his brother was embellishing the tale or not. All Sam was supposed to do was convince Fiona he intended to marry for the ranch. He was supposed to soothe Fiona.
    What Sam was doing was making Jonas madder by the minute. Pete watched with great interest as Jonas’s brows slid lower, practically pinching together.
    â€œThat woman is off limits,” Jonas stated.
    â€œWhy?” Sam asked.
    Burke got back into the van, letting in frigid air, but it couldn’t have been any colder with the eldest and the youngest Callahans staring each other down.
    â€œBecause there’s no such thing as love at first sight.” Jonas stared out the window.
    â€œHuh.” Fiona turned around, clearly unimpressed. “Sounds like a fish tale to me. I’m not buying it, Samuel Callahan.”
    Sam glanced around at his brothers for help. Pete shrugged. “Don’t look at me. I’ve got no girl to marry.”
    â€œPitiful,” Fiona said. “Just pitiful. Burke, hurry and get us to church. I’m no saint, and my patience is wearing thinner than it’s ever been.”
    Sam and Jonas were still glaring at each other. Creed and Rafe stared out opposite windows, and Judah looked as though he couldn’t care less about the whole scheme.
    Pete shrugged again, about to suggest that they go into town for pancakes after church—just to change the subject to a topic less likely to inflame the entirefamily—when he saw a familiar truck pull into their driveway.
    â€œOh, look,” Fiona said, her tone a lot more happy. “It’s Jackie! Jackie!” Fiona called, waving out the window. “Do you want to ride with us?”
    â€œThere’re no more seats,” Jonas observed.
    â€œShe can sit on Pete’s lap,” Fiona said over her shoulder.
    A vision of his aunt forcing Jackie to ride in his lap to church fired Pete’s limbs to motion. He flung the door open and jumped from the van. “We’re on our way to church, Jackie,” Pete said, noticing how beautiful she looked in a long red skirt and white fluffy sweater. “Did you need something?”
    â€œYes,” Jackie said, her voice soft. Even at twenty paces he could tell she wasn’t herself. “Can we talk, Pete?”

Chapter Seven
    â€œOf course we can talk,” Pete told Jackie. To his family Pete said, “You go on. I’ll catch up.” He closed the van door and crunched across the snow to stand in front of Jackie. “Are you all right?”
    â€œYes.” She swallowed, her eyes sparkling in the sunlight that cast cold brightness over the morning. “No. Maybe I’m not totally all right.”
    â€œCome inside.” Taking her

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