Gray Night
over. I’m something of an investigator. Name’s Adrian Knight,” I said.
     “That supposed to mean something?” Brandon said.
     “Nick Roarke, you ever heard of him? Helped a friend of Ruby’s a while back. Jessica Hayes,” I said.
     All three of the other guys nodded. Brandon sighed.
     “Yeah, him we heard of. Ran off some dude harassing Jess. None of that explains what the hell you’re doing out here looking for me or why you’re walking around carrying. You work for him or something?” Brandon asked.
     “We work together. Sometimes. I owe him a favor and said I’d keep an eye on things while he’s away. Thomas came around this morning looking for Nick to help find his sister. So here I am,” I said. “And I carry the gun because you never know when four guys are going to jump you in a salvage yard.”
     The kid on the far left laughed then hugged himself, holding his ribs as he slid down the wall to lie in the dirt.
     “Stop. Owwhwwh . Don’t make me laugh,” he said.
     “Yeah, sorry about that. Ruby was missing and we been looking everywhere and somebody shows up asking questions looking for me—” Brandon started.
     “Hey, what are you apologizing to him for. He broke my nose, Brandon!” interrupted the other kid next to him.
     “Yeah and he could of shot ya. All of us. And he didn’t, stupid,” Brandon replied.
     “I’m stupid? You’re the one who ran in yelling about some dude out to get you and crying for help,” the kid said back.
     Brandon hesitated. “I know,” he said. The other kid started in again but Brandon held his free hand up cutting him off. “I know, all right! It’s my fault. I’m sorry.”
     The other kid seemed mollified and didn’t reply.
     “So what is it you want me for?” Brandon asked, looking back at me.
     “Had some questions is all. You’re her boyfriend right?” I asked.
     Brandon nodded.
     “I hear there was an argument and she ran off yesterday evening. Tell me about it.”
     “We were supposed to meet for dinner. I come outta the diner early and she’s across the street all dolled up and paying M&M this huge wad of cash. I exploded. I mean I lost it, man. The thought of her working again, I lost my temper and ran over hollering and screaming at her. I mean I never even gave her a chance and she ran off upset.”
     “What time was that? Did you go after her? What happened next?”
     “Right before sundown maybe. I don’t know for sure. But, no I… I didn’t.” Brandon’s eyes watered and turned red. I thought he was going to break down and then Baaooom!
     His hammerfist caved in the sheet metal siding behind him as deep as his fist. “I should have gone after her!”
     Thank God fear had the better of Brandon when he’d turned to fight me. I might have had to get rough with him. There was no longer any doubt in my mind as to whether he had something to do with Ruby’s disappearance. If he had struck her in anger, she wouldn’t have lived. The look in his eyes wasn’t guilt. I’ve seen guilt. I knew it well. This wasn’t it. This was rage.
     “Hey Brandon?” said the guy at the end, standing and holding his ribs.
     “Yeah?” Brandon replied, looking over.
     “Think I’m going to lock up for the afternoon and head home.”
     Brandon nodded.
     The other two guys stood.
     “Hey man, I think we’re gonna head out too. Take some aspirin and lay down or something,” said one of them.
     “Yeah. All right,” said Brandon.
     “Give us all a call after sundown and we’ll be ready to head back out,” the other said.
     I waited until they were gone. “What happens after sundown?”
     “We’re planning a walk. You know, seeing what all there is to see,” he said.
     “Looking out for something suspicious? Hope to catch a lead on Ruby? Or maybe someone who saw her last night?”
     “You got a better idea?”
     “No, actually I approve. More eyes and ears out the better. I’d be doing the same

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