Bride of Fortune

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Book: Bride of Fortune by Shirl Henke Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shirl Henke
against Lucero's body and heard his cruel words. I've come home to perform my duty. A killing rage seized her and a red haze glazed her vision as she stepped into the room, her hands curled into claws ready to rip his mistress from her faithless husband's embrace. But before she could reach them Lucero seized Innocencia's wrists and pushed her away from him with a low oath.
           “I told you no, dammit! I'm no longer the boy who found you irresistible.”
           Neither of them saw Mercedes enter the room. Innocencia stomped her foot and hissed at him, “You will be sorry for this. I am the one who taught you everything about making love.”
           “But I am the patrona of Gran Sangre and you are still a scullery maid,” Mercedes said in a sharp voice.
           Nicholas turned in surprise and observed the flushed cheeks and unholy glow in his wife's eyes as she advanced on them. The little cat is jealous. A strange surge of elation filled him as he raised one eyebrow mockingly and watched the rapid rise and fall of her breasts. She was dressed in a simple blue linen gown with a high collar of white lace at her throat. The cut was demure but the way it softly molded to her gentle curves had quite the opposite effect. He grinned rakishly at her, letting her know that he was aware of her jealousy.
           Lucero's mistress smothered a gasp of outrage and stepped forward. “You cannot let her punish me, Don Lucero. You are the patrón .”
           “So I am, Cenci,” he said evenly, his eyes never leaving the patrona as he placed a restraining hand on Innocencia's arm. “Return to your work. I'm certain Angelina has much to keep you busy.”
           She gave him a look of wounded outrage, then whirled around, sending her full red skirts flying, revealing well-turned ankles as she huffed off.
           “I only hope she won't poison me when she serves my breakfast,” he said dryly.
           Mercedes watched him as he crossed the room to stand in front of her. She could feel the male heat emanating from him and fought the urge to back up a step. Instead, she met his sardonic gaze with a boldness she did not feel. “There was a time when you would've sent me away. You've changed, Lucero.”
           He shrugged carelessly, reaching up to touch a stray curl that rested on her breast. “Perhaps. But you are the patrona and she's only a servant.”
           “But she is your mistress.”
           He heard the icy accusation in her voice and knew his instinct about Lucero's story was right. His brother had hurt Mercedes by flaunting his affair with a household servant in front of his bride. “She was my mistress. My tastes have grown a bit more sophisticated over the years. Now I prefer blondes.” He was rewarded by the deepening flush that stained her cheeks. No woman was immune to flattery.
           The tension thickened between them as they stood with eyes locked. Her fists were clenched tightly at her sides, partially concealed in the folds of her gown. His fingers continued to play idly with her hair. Their breaths mingled, warm and swift.
           “Here is your breakfast, . I fixed—oh, a thousand pardons.” Angelina stood in the doorway holding a heavy serving tray heaped with steaming food.
           Nicholas turned to her with a grin. “That's all right, Angelina. I'm starved for one of your famous steaks.”
           “I fear you'll find the meat tough and stringy. We had to butcher an old steer yesterday. It was all Hilario could run down.” Mercedes knew her voice was breathy and that she spoke too fast, but she injected a note of justifiable anger into her words.
           “Alas, it is true, patrón . I have done the best I could with the steak. We have fine fresh peppers and tomatoes and Montezuma's spoons crisply baked to scoop up the salsa accompanying the meat.” She held up the basket filled with fresh

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