Tutus & Cowboy Boots (Part 2)
Barrick Carpenter.”
    I let out a laugh because I think it’s a
little more. Bending down I pick her up off the ground and spin her
around. “I think I really like you too,” I say as I kiss her
gently. “You better get back in there. Awards are being announced
soon,” I say.
    She shakes her head. “I can’t believe you
know so much about this dance stuff.”
    “That’s what being a dance bro is all
about,” I say with a wink as she takes a step back, flowers in
hand, and goes back inside to take her place on the stage for
    I sit down beside my mom and she grins while
getting her pen ready to write down all the scores. We listen as
they go through all of the age categories, giving anything from
gold to double platinum. They have yet to give out a crystal, but
no sooner do I think it, one is given out. I’ve learned over the
years to pay attention to the total number of double platinums and
crystals given. Those will be the overall winners. As Cadence and
Jade’s age division is announced, I look for them on the stage and
then at Mom, who is patiently waiting to write down the scores.
    When they get to number sixty-five, I glance
at Mom and then the stage. “Number sixty-five is awarded a…
crystal,” the announcer states. We clap, yell, and holler at them
as they take the crystal in their hands with excitement written all
over their faces.
    Once all of the individual
scores are given out, the overalls begin. It doesn’t take long for
me to realize they are in the top two. Looking at both of them on
stage, I’m a proud brother and boyfriend. I think boyfriend is the right word. That’s something we’re going to have to clear up.
    When the awards ceremony is over, Ms.
Lyndsay takes the stage with them and they take pictures with her,
the other teammates, and family.
    “Barrick! Did you see my Cade up there?” Ms.
Mae asks as we make our way out of the auditorium.
    “Yes, ma’am,” I say as I’m attacked by
Cadence. “Hey beautiful,” I say as she smiles brightly. “Y’all did
    “Yes we did. Gran what did you think?” she
    “That music was different. I sure didn’t
expect some of those moves. Do you think you can teach your Gran a
thing or two? I need a few new moves for The Loft,” she says while
shuffling her feet.
    “I’m sure I could,” Cadence says with a
    We all exit the auditorium, and enjoy a meal
together before calling it a night. Tomorrow will be another day
filled with dance, but it’s teams instead of individuals. I hate
that I’ll have to miss it, but I’ve got too much to do at Ms.
Mae’s. I give Cadence a kiss and wish her and Jade good luck for
tomorrow before I leave for the night.

Chapter 14
    Saturday morning I wake to the sound of my
alarm. Thankfully we have a later arrival time for today and I was
able to sleep in a little this morning, but I still have a few
things to do before we leave again.
    Mom and Gran aren’t in the kitchen and I can
only assume they are at the barn. I look out the window and see
that Barrick is already here so I throw on some clothes, slide on
my galoshes and pour Barrick a cup of sweet tea before making my
way toward the barn.
    As I get ready to open the barn door, Mom
and Gran walk out.
    “Good gracious, girl. I didn’t think we’d
see you out here this morning,” Gran says as she places her hand
over her heart and I giggle.
    “Well, the work’s not going to get done if
I’m sleeping,” I say with a wink. They head to the house and I go
in to check on Daisy and Barrick.
    Barrick is milking a set of cows so he
doesn’t see me when I walk in. He’s in his own little world so I
decide to watch him for a moment. Taking a step toward the milking
station, I catch his eye.
    “Mornin’ beautiful,” he says with a smile as
he continues to work.
    “Morning,” I chirp while taking a seat on
the stool near him. “Thought you might be thirsty,” I say as I set
the tea on a

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