Through Gypsy Eyes

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Book: Through Gypsy Eyes by Killarney Sheffield Read Free Book Online
Authors: Killarney Sheffield
Tags: Romance, Historical
sigh she slipped her arms along the plains of his velvet waistcoat to twine around the thick column of his neck. He tasted of eggs, salty ham and the familiar mint. Slipping his mouth from hers, he kissed the hollow, sensitive area behind her ear. She dipped her head to give him better access.
    “I would marry you if I could,” he whispered, the breath from his words brushing her damp skin atop his lip’s caress. He pulled away with a tortured moan.
    Her heart leaped into her throat at the thought. “Why not?”
    His breathing was irregular and deep as he retreated to his chair. “I have already entered into a courtship with another.”
    The apologetic hint in his tone unleashed her wrath
Shoving her plate away, she leaped to her feet. “Bastard,” she spat and fled. She made her way to veranda, exited the house, and whistled for Jester. He was at her side within moments. Lost in a turmoil of emotions, she allowed him to lead her where he chose. They went down the steps and crossed to Jester’s favorite napping spot beneath the old apple tree.
    When Jester laid down; Delilah settled herself beside him, resting her head against his neck. “What has come over me?” she mumbled. “I practically threw myself into his arms and he rejected me. I should have known he would. I do not know why I was angry at his reaction. Oh Jester, papa would be mortified by my display of wantonness.”
    • • •
    Tyrone headed for the study but paused when he passed the window over-looking the back lawn. Beyond the window pane the sun cast a cheery feel across the landscape. Deciding it was far too nice a day outside to be stuck indoors he changed course to the veranda instead. As he shut the door behind him he spied Delilah curled up on the grass beside the dozing pony. Perhaps he should apologize and explain the situation to her. Maybe he could appeal to her practical nature and convince her marriage to some suitable gentleman was not the end of the world. With firm resolve he descended the steps and crossed the lawn. He was only a few feet away when he realized her lips were moving. He assumed she was talking to the pony and stopped to listen.
    “I am in such turmoil. When my father was alive everything was comfortable and routine, now, with the earl here … well, one moment I find myself enjoying the company and other times … Oh! The man seems determined to drive me noddy. I cannot seem to make him see reason on this marriage idea. What is so wrong with wanting things to stay as they were? Why must I marry, just because I am a woman? It seems a silly rule, if you ask me.” Delilah lay back against the pony.
    “I suppose marriage would not be so bad, I mean if I could find a man who could see me and not my affliction. Perhaps someone who would allow me to follow my own pursuits, liked the same things I do, and would not drag me to one humiliating social function after another. Someone like my father.”
    She sat up. “The earl thinks I use my blindness as an excuse against marriage. Do you think I do, Jester?” The pony blew through his nostrils and Delilah bit her lip. “I think he may be right, though I would never admit it to him. Oh dear. I fear I frightened every man within reach away with my behavior last night. Maybe the earl was right and I should have given them a chance. Now what will I do? I suppose I owe his lordship an apology, though it serves him right for springing the whole situation on me that way.”
    She twinned her fingers in the pony’s mane. “I liked his kisses, you know. I know I should not have; a well-bred lady does not go around kissing men in the woods, or the dining room for that matter. No one has ever kissed me before. Every girl wants to be kissed you know.” The pony snorted as if refuting his mistress’ claim. Delilah’s lips curved into a small smile. “It’s true. You can snort all you like, Jester, but what would you know of a girl’s desires? You only desire to eat, sleep, and

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