Crown's Law
suggested, and sure enough,
caught Mary on his new camera. She sneaked into the office, turned
off the desk surveillance camera, took the cash, then turned on the
camera again and left the office. Sam kept the scam going until she
had stolen enough money to make the crime qualify as grand theft,
then he had her arrested. Helen was forever grateful, though Sam
never pursued why Mary was trying to blame Helen.
    After that case, Sam often ran his problem
cases by Becky to get her views on things. The bond between them
grew stronger without either of them even noticing.

Chapter 10
    Wednesday, January 12, 2000
    Capistrano Beach, CA
    Becky turned 15 years old on Wednesday,
January 12, 2000. As usual, her birthday was a memorable event at
the Crowns’ beach house. Sam adjusted his schedule so he could be
there for the small celebration. It was just the four of them: Sam,
his parents, and Becky. Her real party would be on Saturday so she
could have her friends over, and so Helena Crown—ever the elegant
hostess—could turn it into a social gala.
    Sam and Helena fixed veal parmegiana—one of
Becky’s favorites—with sides of baked zucchini boats, spaghetti
with meat sauce, green salad, and lots of garlic bread. After
dinner they had a small cake, then Becky opened her gifts.
    She received the newest high-tech wireless
modem for use with her laptop computer from Grandpa John, and an
assorted collection of new swim wear from Nana Helena.
    Her favorite present was from Sam: An
autographed Brittany Spears T-shirt, complete with a personal
message to Becky.
    “How did you get this, Sam?” Becky squealed
as she hugged him.
    “We did security for one of her concerts last
month and I knew your birthday was coming up, so . . .”
    On Saturday the 15th, the real celebration
took place. Helena had planned it as a combination affair so that
Becky could have teenaged friends attend, and Helena could invite a
select few adults to whom she wanted to show off her brilliant
“granddaughter.” There were 20 or so teenagers, divided—more or
less—between boys and girls, and approximately 30 adults, many of
them parents and grandparents of the teens in attendance.
    Becky had already received her BA degree in
mathematics, and was studying for her MA degree in that subject.
She was only a few subjects away from her BA in physics. Professor
Danforth, her mentor, was extremely proud of her!
    The party started at 12 noon so all attendees
could get in a full day of sun and surf. For those who did not want
to brave the chilly water of the Pacific, the heated pool and spa
were available. Many of the teens brought wet suits and surf boards
and wasted no time before hitting the surf.
    Helena had the extravaganza catered so that
she and Sam could mingle without worrying about the feeding of the
guests. Hamburgers, hotdogs, potato and macaroni salads, and
various finger foods were available throughout the day, as was a
plentiful assortment of drinks—both soft and hard. Parking—always
at a premium on Beach Road—was solved by parking guests at the
beginning of the road and shuttling them to the house using a
neighbor’s Suburban.
    Sam, dressed in red surfer trunks and a
floral Aloha shirt, made the rounds of the adults, greeting them
and making small talk.
    “Nice party, Sam,” said Professor Danforth as
he sidled up to Sam where he was standing on the deck watching the
surfers, Bud Light in hand.
    “Thanks, Peter, but the credit goes to my
mother. She’s the hostess with the mostest,” shrugged Sam. “How’re
Becky’s studies progressing? From your point of view.”
    “Why do you ask? Do you have some concerns
about her progress?”
    Professor Peter Danforth was in his
mid-sixties and looked much like the late colonel of KFC fame. He was sipping on a glass
filled with what Sam assumed was Kentucky bourbon and branch water.
He would most likely switch to Mint Juleps at sundown. He had a
soft southern drawl. Looking at

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