Dark New World (Book 3): EMP Deadfall

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Book: Dark New World (Book 3): EMP Deadfall by J.J. Holden, Henry G. Foster Read Free Book Online
Authors: J.J. Holden, Henry G. Foster
Tags: Post-Apocalyptic | EMP
duty . And it’s why I set up to be Resistance—I was the only one in my turf who could set that up. They’re bleeding my country, man. I didn’t know I even cared, until the ragheads started kickin’ in doors. It put things clear for me. So, I’ll go with the flow. You the man, now, El Jeffe. But if you want my set to do work, I need to be the one in charge of them, not some other esse. So, keep lettin’ me front like I’m the top man, at least as far as the gangsters go. And, you gotta figure out how to let us get some fuckin’ blood-red payback for the shit those pendejos did to my people.”
    Taggart paused, then allowed a slow grin to spread across his face. “Black, I respect you now more than ever. I’m reconsidering my decision to put a bullet in your head when this is all over with. Okay, so go tell your boys they get to have their payback. I need to think of a way to use them that won’t fuck up the Op. We need to coordinate.”
    Black shook his hand, probably for the benefit of his gangbangers, and strode back toward them with what Taggart thought was a ridiculous swagger. He could only imagine the yarn Black would spin to his men about this.
    Then Taggart saw Eagan running toward him from Team Bravo’s position and awaited the report. Afterward, he’d figure out how best to use Black’s team. Maybe Eagan would have an idea.

    * * *

    Dean Jepson looked up from the tractor and said, “Well, Frank, there’s no way we’ll get this workin’ again. Not without parts we don’t have. But I reckon we can still use the trailer.”
    Frank shrugged. “How? The horses don’t have built-in trailer hitches. Maybe you have an idea how to get around that?”
    “It turns out I do,” said Dean. “The trailer’s damn light, for being steel. I figure I can hack off this hitch end and work up some leather that’ll act like a pulley, or a suspension. A come-along. If we attach that to a harness, two horses could easily pull it out loaded without hurting themselves. Then just pulling it without a come-along would be easy for a couple of horses. The same kind of rig would work for pulling stumps and rocks, too, and horses can pull a plow if we can beat one into shape somehow. Got a sword?”
    Frank grinned. “Now Dean, I know I told you Cassy won’t let us plow. ‘No-plow farming,’ she calls it. Not really a creative name, but not a lot of wiggle room either. And you can’t have my sword, if I had a sword.”
    Dean grinned back and shrugged. “Not my call. But I figure we’ll have to plow some of that soil we’re taking over from the neighbors. A lot of it never did see a plow. It’ll be too stony to dig in.”
    “Just do as she says. She got this place up and running, right? From what I see, she’s got twice the output of any farm in these parts,with none of the inputs. No fertilizer, no chemicals. Which is kind of handy these days, seeing as there isn’t a lot of that stuff to go around.”
    Dean shrugged again. “Yep. Just as you say, Frank.” It was obvious he still felt skeptical but, if Cassy didn’t want plowing, well that was her call. Her house, her rules. Maybe she’d show him something new. It wouldn’t be the first new thing he’d seen in the short time he and Monique had been at the Clan’s farm.
    Giggling nearby caught Dean’s attention. He watched as the kids ran around with faces beaming in joy, playing tag. His own son, Tyler, was just about the same age as Cassy’s kid. Tyler and Aidan always did get along, even if their parents didn’t always see eye to eye. The sight warmed him, and a smile crept over his face.
    As if reading his mind, Frank said, “I reckon if they can get along, we can too. You know, that idea about the wagon was just like something Jed might’ve said. He was a redneck engineer, that’s what I called it. He could figure out just about anything. Y’all aren’t too different, ’least on the inside. Alright, let’s figure out how to reinforce the

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