Isabel and the Wolf: (Part 1)
account of the storm, and they said they picked it up in the headlights just in time.” Isabel sighed. Gratitude towards the universe at the avoidance of a terrible accident took the edge off her frustration.
    “That’s such a relief to hear,” she said. The cop smiled at her, mirroring her own sentiments. He was good looking, she noted, then ticked herself off. She was about to – be very late to – go on a date with another man.
    “I don’t suppose there’s some other way of getting to Black Peak City from here?” she asked, already certain what the answer would be. The map had clearly shown that the two-lane road was the only possible route towards the isolated town.
    “No, ma’am. Roads are few and far between out here.”
    “Damn it! I’m in such a rush for an appointment. It’s really important I get there,” she said, her voice rising.
    “An appointment, huh?” the sheriff flicked his eyes over the black dress that was clinging to her curves, and over her lips, carefully painted the same shade as her shoes. He nodded knowingly. Then he glanced towards the other men. “Hey, hang here a second.” She lifted her hands.
    “Not like I’ve got many other options right now.” He threw her a wry grin and walked back to the group.
    Isabel picked up her phone and stared at it, wondering again why she and Peter hadn’t exchanged phone numbers. What kind of idiot fixes a date with a stranger, and then doesn’t get a number in case they’re running late, due to some kind of mishap, say – for example – a tree crashing into their path and blocking off the only access to the town? The problem was that she was new to internet dating – let alone internet ‘alternative’ dating – and she’d been nervous about giving out personal information. Especially since what she’d been looking for on the site wasn’t exactly run of the mill. Isabel kicked at the car’s foot well in frustration, then remembered she was wearing her new shoes. The one time she’d managed to outsmart herself and arrive for something on time, she’d been thwarted by something completely random. And what was even weirder was that the guy she was about to meet seemed to have had a premonition that she’d be late. Except she wouldn’t be late. She wouldn’t be going at all. A curse escaped her lips. The logical thing would be to turn around and drive back home, then go online and explain what had happened.
    She was almost at the point of starting her car, but at the same time, there was an almost magnetic force keeping her where she was. Ever since she’d clicked on the somewhat grainy photos in the message Peter had sent her, and seen that he looked like a regular, attractive guy, she’d been fired up to meet him. Compared to all the weird profiles she’d been trawling through on the dating site, he was a god. He didn’t list any nerdy hobbies or have any photos of himself in an ill-fitting PVC bodysuit; he came across as a normal guy, who happened to have a penchant for dominance. And to be dominated was what Isabel craved, more than anything. The mere thought of it kindled something inside her, from embers that had long glowed but lacked the right man to fan them to a flame. She was damned if she was going to let that opportunity slip away so easily.
    At last the officer was walking back towards her. He leaned into her window again.
    “Looks like your luck might be in, ma’am. Turns out there’s a logging road a mile or so back. It’ll bring you out at the edge of the wood by Black Peak City.”
    “That’s great! But – ” Isabel glanced at the pines, which looked more forbidding than ever. “I’m just not sure I’ll be safe driving through the forest by myself. It’s pitch black in there.”
    “Well – ” The sheriff tugged on the edge of his hat. “I’d be only too happy to escort you through it.”
    Isabel’s face broke into a million-watt grin.
    “You would? That’s the best news I’ve heard in a

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