Under Cover
    “Very classy.” I tried to give it back to
    He closed my hand around it. “It’s yours.”
Then he added, “If you want it.”
    He seemed embarrassed. He’d probably never
given a girl his ring before. I hoped not.
    “Oh, Ben. I don’t know what to say.”
    Not a break-up. It wasn’t that at all.
    “Do you want it?”
    Precious Ben. He was so socially awkward, he
couldn’t be sure he was doing this right. Or that I would accept
    “I do! Oh, Ben.”
    “If it doesn’t fit, you can wear it on a
string around your neck. That’s what some people do.”
    “I want it on me.” I tried every
finger and found it worked best on the middle finger of my right
hand. “I’ll get a guard ring to be sure it doesn’t fall off. Oh,
    “You said that already, about ‘Oh, Ben.’”
    “That’s how I feel. I love you, Ben.” Never
minding the light, we did another kiss.
    The night was perfect. Soft and mild. It was
dark, with no moon, which I supposed hadn’t risen yet. The moon had
such an erratic schedule, I never could keep track of it.
    “I wish you weren’t leaving,” I said.
    “I’m not yet. Not for a couple of
    “That’s only two!”
    “Yeah, that’s what a couple usually is.”
    “It’s going to be—what will I do without
    “You’ll study hard and get into a college
near me.”
    “And I’ll have this.” I pressed the ring to
my cheek and felt a very slight sharpness where the tiger’s outline
was. Not sharp enough to hurt, only to feel. I wondered why they
made it that way. Even so, I loved it. Ben gave me the box to keep
it in until I could get a guard ring.
    He made sure I was safe inside the house
before he went to his truck. I watched him drive away and then I
locked up. Both Mom and Grandma were upstairs. Neither came to
bother me as I stood looking out at the night that was so

    Even after I went to bed, I couldn’t sleep. I
was too excited. Ben loved me. With the ring, we were almost sort
of like engaged. How could I not be excited?
    Eventually I did drift off, and then I slept
late. It was Saturday. Sleeping was the only good thing about not
having a job. I might as well take advantage of it.
    One more year of high school. A year without
Ben. I couldn’t stand it. I knew I would never get into MIT but
there were other colleges in the Boston area. I would apply to all
of them. Then at least I’d be near him. He said he wanted me near.
And I had his ring.
    I got up to take another look at it. I’d left
the box on my dresser, but now I put it in a drawer to keep it
safe. I’d buy a guard ring as soon as I could get to the jewelry
store on Monday.
    Without Maddie. Even though she was his
sister, this was strictly between Ben and me.
    After a late breakfast I took Jasper for a
walk. We were almost back home when a strange gray car pulled into
our driveway. Jasper barked at it.
    Mei was in the passenger seat. I couldn’t see
the driver, but I knew.
    Mei got out and I waved to her. My dad got
out on the other side. I ran to him. “Dad! You’re here!”
    His eyebrows went up. “You didn’t expect
    “I did! But then you—I went over to see you
at the Mulvaneys’ house.”
    “I heard.”
    Mei chimed in. “We had ice keem.”
    Dad grinned at her fondly.
    He reached into the back seat and brought out
a camera case. It was a big, professional-looking one with a strap
that went over his shoulder. “Where’s your mother?”
    “She’s at work,” I said.
    “On a weekend?”
    “It’s their busiest time.”
    “Hmm.” He seemed disappointed. If he wanted
to see her, he could have stayed at our house.
    Grandma came out, hugged and kissed Dad,
hugged and kissed Mei, and invited everyone inside. In just a few
minutes she had whipped up a pitcher of iced tea and produced a
plate of molasses cookies. I didn’t know we had cookies. Where did
she keep them?
    Dad stood looking out the front

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