Forfeit Souls (The Ennead Book 1)

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Book: Forfeit Souls (The Ennead Book 1) by Lila Huff Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lila Huff
the hall, but it was lavishly furnished, like a sitting room in a Victorian hotel. Standing on a raised platform at the center of the room was a gilded throne and seated on that throne was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
    I was amazed when I saw her. She was the picture of perfection. I doubt that even Leonardo Da Vinci could have painted a more beautiful creature. She reminded me of a summer’s breeze; gentle and warm.
    Her long white hair fell down her back in a cascade of soft curls. Each strand shone brightly, like threads of silver, and they moved as if they were being gently blown by the wind.  Her face was as angelic as Father’s, but her beauty was so enrapturing that had she had the same eyes as Father they would not have dissuaded me from the trust I suddenly felt for her.
    Her eyes though, were nothing like Fathers, and nothing like my own. They appeared to be glass orbs filled with a never ceasing wind, and I could not look away from her.
    She rose from her throne-like seat and I was able to fully grasp her height. Father had seemed oddly small to me, but this woman was no doubt where the legends of the Amazon’s stature and beauty came from.
    The dress she wore coiled around her like a silver serpent. As she walked toward me, the shimmering fabric seemed to slither along the length of her slender form, like liquid mercury flowing about her.
    “Joellen, I am so pleased that you are well again.” Her voice was like a soft melody that wafted through the air about me. There was no severity in her tone, only soft musical notes.
    “Thank you.” I could barely say the words. I was not sure who – or what – I was looking at, but thoughts of angels returned to the forefront of my mind.
    “Most here will call me Mother.” She said, leaning down to me and taking my hands. “But you may call me Lilith, as Demetrius does.” She gave Demetrius a smile that reminded me of my mother’s smiles for my brother. This woman truly was mother as the man next to her was father.
    “Thank you, Lilith.” I repeated.
    “Adam, will you and Demetrius leave us for a few moments?” Almost before she had said this, Father was moving toward the door, and Demetrius was now following. I could tell from her tone and their unquestioning obedience that a request from Lilith was met as a command. I did not turn from where I stood and Lilith did not release my hands until the small click behind me signaled that we were alone.
    “I am not sure what you have been told about us Joellen.” Lilith seemed sadden by whatever she was about to tell me. “Please come, sit with me so that I can help you better understand what has happened.”
    “Please, just call me Jo.” I made the request as I followed her to the front of the room.
    “I won’t bother you with the lore that surrounds us. The truth is all you need to know right now.”
    I sat in the chair opposite her and waited. I knew nothing about what I was going to be told.
    “The first thing you need to know is that, though you won’t die, you can be killed – though not easily - and there are forces out there who want you dead.” I could see in her expression that the people who wanted me dead were a serious threat. The light of her face had dimmed as she spoke. “The monster that attacked you was sent by one of those who can still kill you.”
    I nodded, “Demetrius said that he was called Hephaestus.”
    “Yes, Hephaestus is one of the Asakku, but he goes by Jack more often than not.” She paused, her face darkening with sadness. “My sister, Gallu, is the Asakku’s master. She seeks to bring chaos to the human world and, unfortunately, I and my following are the only ones who stand a chance of stopping her.”
    “Asakku?” The word sounded so strange to me and I spoke it in an attempt to grasp the full meaning of the word.
    “They are a menacing force; Hephaestus is the oldest of Gallu’s warriors. He is the oldest, and strongest of her small army. He is

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