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Book: Lucasta by Melinda Hammond Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Hammond
Woodcote came to dinner and I overheard themtalking: the squire had procured a special licence and Papa planned to call in the parson the very next day to carry out the ceremony.’
    She paused. So much had happened that much of the horror she had felt upon discovering her father’s plans had faded and she could discuss the matter quite calmly. Camilla, however, was regarding her in horror.
    ‘But Squire Woodcote is so
    ‘That does not prevent him wanting a young bride,’ retorted Lucasta.
    Camilla shuddered.
    ‘What a disgusting idea. Why, the last time he came to call he sat next to me on the sofa and tried to paw me. It was horrible and Mama told Papa he must either forbid him the house altogether, or insist that he leave me alone.’
    ‘Well I wish you had told him to leave
alone, too, Mama,’ retorted Lucasta.
    ‘But I did not know – that is, I did not think he had any interest in you,’ cried her mother.
    ‘I would not be surprised to learn that Papa had put the idea in his head.’
    ‘Lucasta!’ gasped Camilla. ‘You cannot say such things about Papa.’
    ‘And why not? We all know that Papa sees us only as chattels , goods to be turned into profit.’
    ‘It is true that we want you both to marry well,’ put in Mrs Symonds, her cheeks very red, ‘but I never wanted you to be unhappy. Oh drat the man, how dare he do this? He deliberately waited until I was out of the way. No wonder he has not written to tell me what has occurred, he would not dare! Only wait until I write to him, I shall give him a piece of my mind—’
    ‘Yes, yes, Mama, that is all very well, but we have not yetheard how Lucasta comes to be here, and accompanied by a lady’s maid.’
    ‘Calder is personal dresser to the Duchess of Filwood,’ said Lucasta. ‘I was a guest of the duchess for a few days, after I had shot a footpad and—’ She broke off, biting her lip at her audience’s astonished looks. ‘I think I had best tell you the whole.’

    ‘… so here I am,’ said Lucasta when she had finished her story. ‘I must throw myself upon your mercy, Mama, although I think it only fair to tell you that if you insist I go back to Shropshire I shall run away again, to Kent this time, and live with Ned.’
    No one attended to her. Camilla said wonderingly, ‘Lord Kennington brought her here, Mama. Do you think he did it for my sake?’
    ‘Oh undoubtedly,’ replied Mrs Symonds. ‘Lucasta says he has promised to call: when he does we must be ready, my love, and you must be suitably grateful for his rescuing your sister.’
    ‘Since I was the one who shot at the footpad you could say that
,’ argued Lucasta.
    She was ignored. Her mother paced up and down the room, tapping her fan against her hand.
    ‘Well, now you are here, Lucasta, we must clothe you.’
    ‘I do have one gown in my portmanteau, Mama. I would have worn it, but Calder thought it safer for me to travel as a boy than to risk comment …’
    ‘Then that must suffice for tonight but tomorrow we shall take you shopping: it must be early, in case Lord Kennington should call. Of course, until you are fit to be seen you must keep to your room except for meals – and we must find you a maid. Anne is far too busy looking afterCamilla to bother with you.’
    Lucasta let her run on, thankful that she was not to be turned out of the house. She went to her bed that night tired but happy, her only worry being that if the viscount called the next day, she might not be allowed to see him.

    After driving away from Sophia Street, Lord Kennington made his way to the stables that enjoyed his patronage while he was in Town. Without Potts, he was obliged to give his own instructions to the stable lads and it took him some time to arrange for the housing of his curricle. The hour was therefore advanced by the time he reached his rooms in Wardour Street and he grinned at the look of shock upon his valet’s face as he ran up the stairs.

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