    “ She’s in pretty bad shape, but the doctors are hopeful. She’s
heavily sedated right now. Poor kid.”
    She flipped her
badge over and over again.
    “ Are you okay?” asked Seth.
    “ I don’t know.” Dianne kept her gaze downcast. “I just don’t
    The station
door opened. A warm breeze brought with it Taylor Danson. He’d
changed into form fitting jeans. A braided ponytail lay down the
middle of his back, his honeyed complexion a sexy contrast against
his stark white denim shirt. Despite what had just taken place,
there was no denying the attraction between them. Her pulse
quickened as his gaze met hers. Every fiber of her being wanted to
feel his arms around her.
    “ Thank you for coming.” Seth stood and offered his hand,
breaking the connection between them. “I guess I owe you an
    He shook Seth’s
hand. “Never mind that. I’m just glad we got to her in time. She is
going to be okay, isn’t she?”
    “ She’s got a long road ahead of her, but she’s going to be
okay.” Seth motioned for Taylor to take a seat next to Dianne. He
sat at his makeshift desk and rifled through a few papers. “Just a
couple questions and you can be on your way.”
    “ Let’s get this over with then.”
    “ I guess the question on everyone’s mind is how did you find
out where Casey was?”
    “ I was out on my back deck having my morning coffee just like I
do almost every day before work. I saw smoke and had to check it
    “ That cabin isn’t exactly visible from the main road.” Seth
narrowed his gaze and chewed on the end of his pen.
    “ True. When I first moved here, I took a ride to explore what I
saw from my back door. I found the cabins then, and knew they were
abandoned. Which is why when I saw the smoke I got
    “ Well, I guess we have you to thank. If we hadn’t spotted your
bike, God only knows what would have happened.”
    “ I’m just glad it all worked out.” Taylor forced a smile, and
rubbed the top of his legs. “Is there anything else?”
    “ I’ll call you if anything comes up.” Chief Walker stood and
rounded his desk, offering his hand. “Let me be the first to
apologize for all the bullshit we put you through.”
    Taylor patted
his back. “You were just doing your job. I won’t be around much
    Dianne sat up
straight in her seat. “What do you mean?”
    “ It’s time to move on. Johnstown is going to have to find
another fall guy. It won’t be me.”
    “ Can’t say as I blame you, Taylor,” replied Seth. “It’s too bad
though, it looks like you have a nice set up going here. Where will
you go?”
    He shrugged.
“Where ever MJ takes me.”
    “ Well, good luck with whatever you decide to do, and thank
    His gaze
settled on Dianne. “I’ll be around for a few more days tying up
loose ends, if you need me.” He tapped two fingers to his brow and
walked out of the station.
    She took a deep
breath and let it out slowly. Her mind made up, she stood and
unhooked her holster. She put it on the desk in front of her
partner and laid her badge on top.
    “ You can’t be serious?” Seth narrowed his gaze at
    She smiled,
feeling like a weight had been lifted from her shoulders.
    “ Why don’t you take a couple days off and get some
    “ No, Seth, I won’t be changing my mind.” She inched toward the
door. “Thanks for everything.” The rumble of Taylor’s motorcycle
prompted her to open the door without looking back.
    Taylor pulled
out into the street.
    “ Taylor!” Dianne waved her arms above her head and ran after
his bike.
    He stopped at
the corner and looked back over his shoulder. She reached his side
and gasped for breath. The corners of his mouth lifted in a smile
that set her heart a flutter.
    “ How about that rain check?” She tucked her hair behind her
    Taylor’s brow
arched. “I thought you couldn’t ride on duty?”
    “ As of now, I’m officially off

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